June 30, 2010
We are off to "The Ranch" to kick our feet up, ride some horses and relax Texas style. Happy and Safe 4th of July to you all...we will be celebrating with lots of decorations and a Chili Cook-off :) I can't wait! I will make sure to take lots of pictures, as I always do! xoxo
June 27, 2010
Our Dancing Princess!
I have so many more pictures, but I wanted to post a few 'backstage' pictures from yesterday. We are so proud of Miss Isabella. She loves performing and her heart lights up on that big stage...she is still dancing around this morning (according to Grammy - where she spent the night!) and coming off her performance high...HaHa. She was in the opening number, Father/Daughter - Thank Heaven For Little Girls (a huge shout out to my wonderful Husband for doing this!), Princess dance, Rainbow Connection (her Ballet dance) and the finale. She loved every minute. I will post more pictures when I gather them up! xo
June 20, 2010
Preschool Graduation!
Friday was our Baby's Preschool Graduation. It was ADORABLE. She was so proud and looked too cute in her Cap and Gown. She won the "Follower of Jesus" award because she takes praying so seriously. That was so special to us and really touched my heart. I even got an award for volunteering time and being a big help to the class. :) We then went to Mimi's for breakfast with our family and to celebrate Grammy Alice's birthday. Following Mimi's we went to the park and celebrated with many of Isbaella's friends. A great day with many great memories! Summer, here we come...then Kindergarten!
Fyi - I am going to slow down on the blogging, facebooking, etc. I have so much to do at home as far as cleaning and organizing. We have a busy week of Ballet practice, Bella's recital on Saturday and then off to Texas next week. So love to you all...
June 18, 2010
June 17, 2010
Grad Nite - Open House!
After Ballet yesterday we rushed home and changed for Grad Nite at school! The teachers and kids had decorated the class during the day with lots of work they had done over the year. The kids got two books: A memory book and an alphabet book with more of their work. We are going to miss this wonderful Pre-K class and teachers!

Ballet {Pictures}
Yesterday was Picture Day during Ballet Class. I curled Bella's hair and got her all ready. What I didn't know was that there wasn't going to be a "real" photographer there. Us Moms were the photographers. Good thing I had my camera. Here are the few pictures I took. Can't wait for her Recital next Saturday!

June 16, 2010
Fabulous Friends = Fabulous Weekend
Friday was Donuts with Dad at Preschool. This is Bella and her Daddy before they left for school in the morning!
After that was over, Vincent and I picked up Isabella at school. We then began our journey. We dropped Vincent off with Papa Joe and Grammy Alice and made our way to Arizona! We only had to make one stop in Blythe to get gas and something to eat. We arrived in Arizona about 4:00 pm to see Meagan, Maddie and Caitlin!! Meagan was sweet enough to offer to let us stay at her home while we were visiting. She was a perfect hostess: she had the towels wrapped with ribbon and flowers and books in the room where I was staying. So sweet!
{Background: Amanda is my friend from HS. She moved in HS to Arizona, where she then went to HS with Meagan. Meagan (and her family) lived in Chino Hills for a while and Amanda introduced us. Amanda now lives in Canada and is in Arizona visiting family for two weeks. So I seized the opportunity to see two wonderful girlfriends I haven't seen in a long time!}
The girls got to playing right away! That night Meagan made us a yummy dinner. The girls had bath time, colored and story time. We thought they would camp out in the office together, but Isabella ended up sleeping with me in Maddie's room.
The next morning we met Amanda and her daughter Mia at the mall. We were also joined by Amanda's friend Kim and her new baby Avery! The girls just loved playing with each other. We played, ate lunch and did a little bit of shopping.
{ From Left to Right: Caitlin, Bella, Maddie and Mia }
Just love this picture! That night we had another yummy dinner and Movie night with Princess and the Frog and some popcorn!!
On Sunday we went to the splash pad, Build a Bear, had lunch and did a little shopping.
That night, Meagan's hubby Jim volunteered to watch all three girls while us Moms went to Houston's for dinner. It was so great to catch up, have a glass a wine (well I was the only one because Meagan and Amanda are PG), and lots of laughs!
I love these two ladies and am so thankful to call them my friends!
Friends Forever - no matter where in proximity life takes us!
Driving to Arizona was a personal accomplishment! I am very proud to have done it by myself. I am also very happy to have spent the time with just Isabella. She has behaved so well since we have been back from Arizona. And I learned so much from Meagan and her daily routine that I have implemented one of my own that is working wonderful! Thanks friend!!!!!
Wacky Wednesday!
June 6, 2010
Shopping Moratorium...
comes to a HALT...
I really did TRY to do my shopping moratorium.
I found myself making too many 'exceptions'.
I was still at Target more than once a week.
I still bought all of Isabella's party supplies for next month.
Household items, Birthdays, Grocery store, Gift cards, Redbox...those things didn't count.
I bought $2.40 earrings at Kohls and 2 bracelets at Target for $1.04.
How could I pass them up?
This journey was to become a more mindful shopper and to realize the triggers that send me shopping and spending.
I wanted to refrain from buying anything for myself or any decorative things for the house. Because, believe me, I can ALWAYS find something to buy - needed or not.
I know that $20 here and there adds up.
I know that $100 is the rule at Target or the Grocery Store.
I know that my children do not need half the things I buy them.
I know that I go shopping when I want to get out of the house or kill time before picking up Bella.
I know I just LOVE to shop. I LOVE to find deals. Shopaholic would be the word.
BUT I also know that I am not bringing in any income...
So, the journey (it is exactly that, a journey) will continue.
I will continue to think about purchases and decide what is really necessary.
I will continue to become more respectful of my husband's hard earned money because if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have financial security.
I will continue to loose weight so I can fit into clothes that are nearly new in my closet.
When I am bored, I will find something to clean, exercise, do some work, or go outside to garden.
The point being, I will still continue...No, it will not be a full moratorium (I just like the word to be honest)...but I will get there!
I really did TRY to do my shopping moratorium.
I found myself making too many 'exceptions'.
I was still at Target more than once a week.
I still bought all of Isabella's party supplies for next month.
Household items, Birthdays, Grocery store, Gift cards, Redbox...those things didn't count.
I bought $2.40 earrings at Kohls and 2 bracelets at Target for $1.04.
How could I pass them up?
This journey was to become a more mindful shopper and to realize the triggers that send me shopping and spending.
I wanted to refrain from buying anything for myself or any decorative things for the house. Because, believe me, I can ALWAYS find something to buy - needed or not.
I know that $20 here and there adds up.
I know that $100 is the rule at Target or the Grocery Store.
I know that my children do not need half the things I buy them.
I know that I go shopping when I want to get out of the house or kill time before picking up Bella.
I know I just LOVE to shop. I LOVE to find deals. Shopaholic would be the word.
BUT I also know that I am not bringing in any income...
So, the journey (it is exactly that, a journey) will continue.
I will continue to think about purchases and decide what is really necessary.
I will continue to become more respectful of my husband's hard earned money because if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have financial security.
I will continue to loose weight so I can fit into clothes that are nearly new in my closet.
When I am bored, I will find something to clean, exercise, do some work, or go outside to garden.
The point being, I will still continue...No, it will not be a full moratorium (I just like the word to be honest)...but I will get there!
Fun, Fun, Fun
Yesterday was a wonderful day, besides waking up at 6am on a Saturday because of some crazy bird outside my bedroom window! Such is life! I cleaned the house and then joined Bianca and her sister Gina at the movies to watch SATC2! I thought it was a really cute movie and I was thrilled to finally see it!

A little later in the afternoon, Bianca came over to make her awesome tomato/pesto appetizers. Chris ran to the store to buy a cigar and he came back with these beautiful sunflowers for me! Love him!
A little later in the afternoon, Bianca came over to make her awesome tomato/pesto appetizers. Chris ran to the store to buy a cigar and he came back with these beautiful sunflowers for me! Love him!

Bianca, the kids and I then headed to Teren's where she hosted "Movie and Matini" night. It was so much fun to see all my fabulous girlfriends in one space. Teren did a wonderful job on the decor, appetizers and kids station!! The kids had a blast running, playing and screaming. At to top it all off, Little Ben lost a tooth!
Thank you Teren. Thank you friends!
June 3, 2010
Vincent Guy
I can not believe my baby is a year and a half! Time surely has flown. He is such a joy and blessing. I had to write down (type) everything he says because I really think his vocab is pretty extensive for his age? I can't remember Isabella talking this much? But maybe she did.
Grandma (Ma-ma)
Play ball
Here you go
What do? (What doing)
Nigh Nigh (Nigh Nigh Daddy and Nigh Nigh Sissy)
Toons (Cartoons)
I wanna see
I do
Thank You
Bye Bye
All done
All gone
Uh Oh
Bad Bad Boy
Water (Wa Wa)
Poo Poo
Pee Pee
Tickle, Tickle
See You Later (See Later)
That is all I can think of right now. If I think of more, I will make an amendment!
Go Lakers
Let Go
Get Down
Grandma (Ma-ma)
Play ball
Here you go
What do? (What doing)
Nigh Nigh (Nigh Nigh Daddy and Nigh Nigh Sissy)
Toons (Cartoons)
I wanna see
I do
Thank You
Bye Bye
All done
All gone
Uh Oh
Bad Bad Boy
Water (Wa Wa)
Poo Poo
Pee Pee
Tickle, Tickle
See You Later (See Later)
That is all I can think of right now. If I think of more, I will make an amendment!
Go Lakers
Let Go
Get Down
June 2, 2010
Moms Club Banquet
Last night was the Moms Club Banquet! I had a great time at City Broiler! Here I am with Lamis - I was her secret sister - who is 3 months pg. And above that Lillian (left) - she was my secret sister and Stephanie (right)- she won the Grace Amore raffle prize! Laurie is on the bottom right corner. She is so hilarious! Also pictured is Valerie whom is just the sweetest thing! Thanks ladies for a fun night. I won a month of free dance lessons for my Bella Rose, got a gift certificate to Brighton from Lillian, drank wine and ate a yummy Ditzy Cake cupcake. Can't get any better than that!
June 1, 2010
BBQ, Buddies & a Birthday!
We celebrated Uncle Soner's 39th bday with a BBQ! I love this picture of he and Jon! So much Father/Son love. We had a great time with the fam, as usual!
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