July 14, 2014

Impromptu Swim Party!

Such a fun swim party happened yesterday at the Resort Hansen. The twins were so much fun in the water and Bella is awesome jumping off the big rock. Everyone had a blast!!

Piraino Fam & VBS

After Sam's Engagement party, the kids and I drove out to Apple Valley to spend the week with Aunt Donna, Aunt Liz and Uncle Mark. We had the best time and got some WONDERFUL meals prepared for us. Vincent loved making his own pepperoni pizza and Isabella got to bake/decorate cookies with the professional, Aunt Liz. They also  had so much fun at VBS and I know many things Aunt Donna and I can laugh about for years! I was in charge of taking pictures during the week - got some great ones of the kids, but they are on my laptop - these came from my phone. Thank you for a great week!!!

Samantha's Engagement Party!

Samantha and Kevin had their Engagement party last Sunday. They were so happy and are getting married on Isabella's birthday next year. July 18, 2015. Isabella will be 10 years old, just like I was when David and Julie got married. Time flies!!

Picture in the bottom right corner - I love watching Isabella and Popi play hand games. Makes me laugh!!

July 3, 2014

Little Chef

Isabella LOVES to cook. She wants to be a chef when she grows up - well, she wants to play Softball as long as she can first. But, she asked me if she can go to Cordon Bleu. I told her she absolutely can after college! She turns on Food Network to watch and loves all the shows on that channel. This week she has helped every night with making dinner. She made us lunch yesterday as well. She even cleans up and puts the dishes in the dishwasher. Dream big little one!!