February 25, 2013

My Sickly Two

This is what our morning looks like. My two little sickly kiddos. It just won't leave us.

Little League Opening Day!

Let's back up. After the Father/Daughter Dance, Isabella came home feeling sick (she had been complaining of a sore throat and ears hurting that day) and Chris was feeling worse than ever. About 2:30 am, Isabella woke up with a fever and trouble breathing. Bless her heart! Vincent and I had to arrive at 7:30 am to pick up uniforms and have pictures taken. We went back home and thankfully, Grammy and Popi (also sick) came over to sit with Isabella while Chris (braving another thing sick - thank goodness for medicine!) and I went to Opening Day.

Let me tell you how adorable it is to see my son in a baseball uniform! He picked number 4 because that is how old he is! I have to remind myself that he is only 4 when he is digging in dirt rather than sitting still!

Opening Day was GREAT! The teams got introduced and they had to recite this Little League pledge:

I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best

Hot Rods
Calagna #4
HE ROCKS!!!!!!!

Rylie turns 3!!!

Little Miss Rylie had her 3rd bday party yesterday. Unfortunately my Isabella was home sick with a fever and Chris was coughing up a lung...so, they had to miss the party. Rylie and Vincent had so much fun! Rylie was so excited for her cake with a candle!!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Father Daughter Dance

How adorable my little girl looked on Friday night! We played home nail salon after school and waved her hair to get ready. Her awesome Dad, despite being sick, brought her home a corsage and they were on their way. She had a blast dancing with her friends! I am so happy for the special memories these two are making together!

February 22, 2013

First Thursday-nighter!

This was the only picture I took all game. Probably because my hands were too cold to take them out from under my blanket. I need those picture taking gloves that are fingerless. Anyhow, see that hair on Sparkle?? That is the sign of a  little girl who played really hard. The team lost 7-5 but Isabella got a DOUBLE and 2 RBIs! SO PROUD OF HER! I hope she keeps her momentum up!

February 21, 2013


Vincent says, "HEY!... Who gave you yellow hair?"

February 19, 2013

45 years!

A couple pictures from dinner with Grammy and Popi for their 45th Anniversary! Love them "BIG" (VIncent) and "to pluto and back" (Bella).

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February 17, 2013

Nicollette turns 8!

We had so much fun this morning celebrating Miss Nicollette's 8th Birthday. She is such a kind and sweet friend - we just love her to death! Thank you Glen & Serchya for a great time!

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CHGS Opening Day!

We got up bright and early for Chino Hills Girls Softball Opening Day! We started the day off with pictures at 7:50 am. Here is one I snapped of Sparkle #1 !

We hung out at the field until 10am Opening Ceremonies. They introduced the teams, had the Mayor speak and a Pastor do a blessing over the girls and their season. That is my favorite part!

We then had our first game at 12:00! Games are now 2 hours long. We won 5-4.  Last week after a scrimmage, Isabella was down on herself because she struck out swinging at a pitch that was WAY too high. This is the first season she has had to deal with the strike zone. She also struck out yesterday, but let me tell you what a great at-bat she had. She fouled off a couple pitches and was robbed on a check swing. Oh well! We all told her how proud we were of her and her "good eye". I know she will only get better with more practice.

GO DIAMOND DIVAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Valentine's Day 2013

Wow, not a traditional Valentine's Day, but we did have a full day with some fun thrown in. In the morning, both kids got to open their last Valentine present.  I then dropped Isabella and Vincent off at school. Papa Joe and Grammy Alice picked up Vincent so I could go to Isabella's Valentine party. All the kids were so excited to pass out their cards. After school we had Tball practice for Vincent which we had to leave early and head to the batting cages for Isabella. Unfortunately Chris was late getting home because of traffic and we ended up making a nothing exciting dinner. However, I am excited to say that I get to go shopping at White House Black Market Market - My favorite that I usually don't even go into anymore - thanks Love!!

February 13, 2013

Hearts Everywhere

Isabella and I have this thing where we find hearts everywhere. We just spot them...I have found them on the garage floor, on the wood shutters upstairs and so on. Isabella has even found a tiny heart birthmark on her leg. Today when she came home from school she made me this Valentine. The best Valentine I could receive because she found a leaf in the shape of a heart at school today and thought about bringing it home to give to me. I love her so, so much too!

I know I have shared this picture on this blog before, but it is my favorite "heart sighting". Rebecca pointed it out to me. The rose petal falling looks like a heart... My Valentine, My Love forever!

A few cute ones!

This was from Vincent's Little Chefs class yesterday. He made this art work, a strawberry waffle and parfait. He saved the parfait for Sissy because he knew she would like that.

We had our own Spring scrimmage last night. My little Ball-Player below.

Valentine #12 - You paint my heart happy!

Valentine #13 - You are just "write" for me.

Can't believe my 14 days are over with tomorrow - Vday down, Easter up - it is so early this year that I feel I need to put the stuff up right away after the Valentines stuff comes down.
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February 11, 2013

Valentine Round-Up

Valentine # 8 - You have O'fish'ally stolen my heart!

Valentine # 9 - Read my lips Valentine, I love you!

Sunday was our turn for Girl Scout snacks. We made these adorable goodie bags and my favorite Valentine treat from last year!


We also picked up cookies last night and Isabella helped sort them all.

We packaged each with a ribbon and thank you note.

Valentine # 10 - I love you more than Chocolate.

Today's Valentine - Valentine, I'm stuck on you!

Happy Monday Y'all!!!!

February 7, 2013


I had no idea what #tbt meant and saw all the young kids using it. I looked it up and decided ... I am starting my very own "Throw Back Thursday" post! Expect a picture with no words :) Join me, if you would like!

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Heavy on the Valentines.

This morning Vincent had his Valentine party at school. Yesterday afternoon I realized that I did not get anything for his Teachers and needed to improvise. Thankgoodness for left over zebra bags and cute printables! I filled them with Hershey's chocolate kisses.


Vincent's Fun Dip Valentines for his friends.

Valentine #6 - I'll be there for you in a "snack" instead of "snap". Isabella said, "Mom, sometimes you are really silly with these!"

Valentine's #7 - "You are Berry Sweet" with some yummy Blueberry muffins for breakfast!
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February 6, 2013

Swing Batter!

Last night Vincent had his first Tee Ball practice. Daddy came home early to take him and thanks to Serchya who took Isabella to practice, I was able to go and take some pictures! He had a great time. Don't you just LOVE his Under Armour pants, new cleats and bat?


This is Coach Bill. Team name: HOT RODS!

This will forever be one of my favorite pictures!
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