August 31, 2008

Photo Hodge-Podge

Here are a bunch of photos that don't go together, but are still cute! :)

Isabella loves to swim with her Poppy- they do it most Tuesday afternoon's when Isabella is there. She jumps off this rock - no fear for her!

One day we had lunch with Caitlin and the kids. Isabella and her bestest friend Beauy had on the same dress by coincidence! Too cute!!

Recently Bella has been my big helper and cooks lunch/dinner with me. She is so funny...we have to wear our matching aprons every time!

Here she is trying on her ballet class outfit. We got the blue one that Mia got for gymnastics, but we have to take it back because it was too small also! This pink one is perfect and she is all set for Saturday.

She has also been wanting to learn how to play the Guitar. So Poppy brought this little one inside from the garage for her! Still a little big.

And finally on our Friday dinner this week, Isabella took these pictures of us!

Yesterday the Grandpas and Daddy moved all of the furniture out of Brother's room and over to A-W storage! You should have seen all the furniture. You know how sometimes you think, "I would be lost without these people!"? That is how I feel all the time! They always go out of their way for me and I love them all very much! Us girls couldn't help much (besides I moved some drawers!) so we just sat there :( But we ordered Pizza and had a nice time visiting and relaxing after the guys got back. Hope everyone is having a fun weekend.

August 30, 2008

Here Comes The ... Blog!

Rebecca Calagna Events blog has gone through a redesign to make it a hip place clients and guests will want to visit. Check it out when you have a chance! We will be adding things under Be Inspired and Real Events soon. Love to all.

August 19, 2008

What Have I Been Up To?

I have been doing a major clean of the Calagna House. This is our salvage we put out this morning. You can't really tell how much it is, but that was about 25 or more big black trash bags. Yikes! Not to mention my new storage rack in the garage which holds oh, a good 30 or so boxes of wedding/party supplies that we brought down from the guest bedroom closet, and the 8 tubs that went up in the attic. I have also cleaned and organized almost all of our cabinets in the entire house. Target and Big Lots should LOVE me for the number of plastic tubs I purchased. What's left? Moving the Christmas/Holiday tubs into the Gym closet, having Aunt Amy come and get the furniture out of the guest bedroom, switching Isabella's crib over to a full size, getting two dressers to Papa Guy for some painting and then start on Brother's room! Not too much...RIGHT?!

August 11, 2008

The Bouncy Place

Comin Down Fast

Using the Sack to go Faster
Being a Big Girl, playing Hand Games

Group Picture!

Saturday we had two birthday parties to attend! Jaxson turned Two and Camryn turned Nine. We had to leave Jaxson's Pizzeria early and Isabella was crying and so upset to leave all of her friends behind. Mommy and Daddy felt so bad. She decided to take her beautiful pig tails out in the car, because she was so upset that she "didn't want to be pretty anymore!". Hence, why she looks like a little rug rat in Cammie's birthday party pictures. She has been talking for weeks about Camryn's party at the Bouncy Place. She loves to climb up the stairs and slide down all by herself. Such fun!

August 6, 2008

Vegas Road Trip!

We packed up and headed to Vegas for a long weekend on Friday morning. Papa Joe, Grammy Alice and Uncle Nick also went with us. We shopped, the guys gambled, we ate lots...all the normal Vegas stuff!! It was a nice, HOT, relaxing weekend with our family.