Comin Down Fast

Using the Sack to go Faster

Being a Big Girl, playing Hand Games
Group Picture!
Saturday we had two birthday parties to attend!
Jaxson turned Two and
Camryn turned Nine. We had to leave
Jaxson's Pizzeria early and Isabella was crying and so upset to leave all of her friends behind. Mommy and Daddy felt so bad. She decided to take her beautiful pig tails out in the car, because she was so upset that she "didn't want to be pretty anymore!". Hence, why she looks like a little rug rat in Cammie's birthday party pictures. She has been talking for weeks about
Camryn's party at the Bouncy Place. She loves to climb up the stairs and slide down all by herself. Such fun!
I am so sorry that we got there so late..I wanted to see you four:) Just tell Bella, "too bad, you are stuck being pretty!"
Oh, how fun...was that Pump It Up? (Psst...Bella...your ARE NOT a rug rat!) :) xoxo
That was Pump It Up...Isabella calls it the Bouncy Place :) Ha/Ha! I know she isn't really a rug rat...I just like her to look pretty when she has parties to go to... Her daddy says, "SHE's a KID!" xoxo
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