September 29, 2010

What my children do...

Set up for a party! Silverware in napkin holders and a Domino cake...pretty creative! (Only as I was posting this picture did I realize there was a nice red marker streak across the table...VINCENT!!...which is why markers are banned from our house.)
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September 28, 2010

Randoms of Us

I am the Room Mom for Isabella's class (couldn't volunteer fast enough!!). But, that doesn't mean I actually get to help in the classroom...I am not allowed to bring Vincent in for liability reasons. Anyhow, my friend Lamis and I decided to trade off Mondays. 2 weeks ago I watched her 3 year old, George, while she helped in the classroom and yesterday, she watched Vincent while I helped in the classroom. I had a blast and Isabella LOVED it! Vincent LOVED playing with George!!

Vincent and George. Isabella and Leila.
Saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Cute computer stations.

 Bella was taking pictures last night. Me reading and Football on the TV (below we were watching Popi's team! While Vincent was sleeping and Daddy was upstairs exercising (I had a tummy ache from dinner).

 And finally...who could resist this beautiful, messy face when she wants something and I say 'no'!?

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September 23, 2010

Go to Sleep, Wake Up and Repeat

Sorry for the lack of blogs and pictures!! If you check out my 'work' blog, you will see why! Daily posts have been a goal of mine. Along with trying my best to keep life well-oiled while working on growing this here business of mine. I know all of us are trying to do the best we can and also figure out what works best for us.

I have found that having my house clean and the laundry/dishes done really help with my well-being and motivation to work on 'work'. So I have been keeping on top of all of my chores which I try to do before school. While Bella is at school, I take a walk and then home to do my blog post. Of course, sometimes there are errands between there.

Chris and I have been exercising together at night after dinner, which I love. While my work can be continuous through the evening. I have been also trying to put the computer aside once my Husband gets home. It also works with my well-being. That way we can exercise, watch our reality shows and I get some reading in.

Basically I am categorizing and balancing my day...trying to find what works for me! The new schedule seems to be working out well. Still need to fine tune it, yet allow for flexibility. That is what life is ALL about!

Love to everyone!

September 18, 2010


When I was creating my Table Numbers below (THANKS BIANCA!!), Isabella decided she wanted to make an invitation for her two friends, Mikayla and Leila to join her at the park for cookies! Honest to goodness, she did everything on these invitations...the ribbon wrap, the brown accents, the crystals. The invitation says to meet her at the park in 7 days. A true successor to my 'throne'. Haha.

And to show you just how closely they look to my work...
When Isabella gets home from school she always asks to watch "Wedding Shows". So I sit down with my Daughter and we watch David Tutera (Thanks Holly for turning us on to that!), Amazing Wedding Cakes, Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? and sometimes Bridezillas. I LOVE IT! Someone to share my passion with me!
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September 14, 2010

Recent Creations

Just wanted to share a few of my recent creations!

Kindergarten Tote

You didn't think my Daughter was going to go to school with a plane 'ole bag, did you??
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September 13, 2010

Taking Orders!

I am taking orders for my handmade Fall,Halloween, or Football wreaths. Please let me know if you would like me to make you one. Click here to order on the SHOP. I will be adding Christmas and other Holidays as they come around. If you would like me to hand deliver, please use the Code: WreathShip to get Free Shipping.

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September 6, 2010


I love my home.
I love days like today, when I laid on my couch with a book and felt the breeze through the open windows.
I love reading a book while my husband plays x-box. Just 'being' together doing things we both love is enough for me.
I love hearing my children playing together upstairs and laughing.
I love being able to take a nap if I feel like it.
I just love, being home.
I love the feeling of being able to relax.

There was a time when my anxiety was so bad that I would not let myself be home for a long period of time with the kids for fear something would happen to me. I couldn't let go. I couldn't relax. I would pace the house and think about the worst or make sure we were out and about doing something.

Thank God that time is gone and I am able to become the homebody that I have always been!
Thank God for a relaxing weekend that we were able to do noting much but be together!

(I read A Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult - highly recommend!!)

September 4, 2010

Barber Shop!

If y'all remember, Daddy was pretty unhappy with me when I had Vincent's first hair cut done by Uncle Soner without him. OOPS! So I promised that Daddy could take VIncent to his first 'Barber Shop' hair cut! Today was that day. Chris and Vincent both got haircuts at the Barber. Vincent sat really still with his sweet little serious face. Afterward he got his sucker and made sure that Daddy got one too for being so good getting his hair cut! My boy is turning into a Little Man!
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September 2, 2010


I just thought this outfit was too cute not to take a picture :)

Every night before bed, Isabella goes into her closet and chooses what she wants to wear to school the next day.

And below is the chosen lunch bag for this year. We found the thermos cup at Target, but couldn't find the matching lunch bag. Amazon wanted to charge me $34.99. For a lunch bag, YA RIGHT! I finally found it at (But not in the store) for $10. A much better deal and it arrived yesterday! Isabella is so excited.
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September 1, 2010

A New Look!

I don't know if you have noticed on the side bar, but Rebecca Calagna Events has a new look!

I have been working really hard on my website.

Rebecca Calagna {Events} is the same URL, but a new template that I have control of.

Grace Amore has now become {Shop} Rebecca Calagna. It also has a new look with additional colors.

Rebecca Calagna {Blog} is the same URL, but a new look to match the rest.

I am really proud of everything. Today I got my first {Shop} order!

Look for seasonal changes to my websites including the featured wedding and color combination on RCE, and the scene at the {Shop}. And look for an email announcement as well!
