September 1, 2010

A New Look!

I don't know if you have noticed on the side bar, but Rebecca Calagna Events has a new look!

I have been working really hard on my website.

Rebecca Calagna {Events} is the same URL, but a new template that I have control of.

Grace Amore has now become {Shop} Rebecca Calagna. It also has a new look with additional colors.

Rebecca Calagna {Blog} is the same URL, but a new look to match the rest.

I am really proud of everything. Today I got my first {Shop} order!

Look for seasonal changes to my websites including the featured wedding and color combination on RCE, and the scene at the {Shop}. And look for an email announcement as well!



Munchie's Soap Box said...

love love the new website look :)

terenjaxteegan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
terenjaxteegan said...

Sorry- Teegs was typing with me, so I had to "delete" his comment. LOVE the new website- of course!