October 20, 2014

Cal Poly Pumpkin

Sunday morning we met our friends, the Ertles for Starbucks and a trip to the Cal Poly Pumpkin Festival. The kids had so much fun together and even indulged us for some pictures. So blessed to have met such a wonderful family through Softball! 

Breast Cancer Walk || Girl Scouts + Softball friends

Isabella had the opportunity to walk with Girl Scouts and some Softball friends in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk on Saturday morning! She had a wonderful time and I am so happy she went and got to spend time with some fabulous friends and women! Thank you Raquel for taking her! 

October 12, 2014

Playing Catch Up...

Wow, the last time I blogged was 1 month ago! That is so unlike me, but honestly I barely get to sit down at my computer now a days, even though I have a ton of work to be doing. A lot has been going on here, but most of it just every day life. Homework, soccer practice, softball practice, batting cages, games, helping in the classrooms, family time, etc etc. I have a big wedding coming up on November 1st so I will be praying to make it through the next couple of weeks getting everything done in a timely matter and the flowers going off without a hitch. After the Wedding, I am in charge of the Veteran's Day Program at school! Oh, and I can't forget our 10th anniversary in there... WOW! So much coming our way that I will try to stay in the moment and enjoy the blessings.

For now, here are the pictures stored up on my computer in no particular order ...

I was able to go on the 4th grade field trip to the OC Fair!

Love these pictures of Bella swinging away and also Daddy helping out!

In class, Vincent had a Teddy Bear Picnic. The bears got to spend the night and made a huge mess in the classroom. They played games, did crafts and had snacks. I remember this event when Bella was in Kinder. 

We had College Day at school. Love my Future Bruins!

Vincent also got to bring home Skippy John Jones and we took pictures of him and Vincent. He came home on our one free night so they got to play around, watch TV and the Ipad, meet Sissy and the collection of Beanie Boos. But my favorite picture is holding hands for prayer time! 

Isabella gets really bad headaches to the point of tears at practice, so we bought her some really cool sunglasses and I am happy to say the headaches have been better.

Made a trip to the dentist - we won't elaborate on that.

Always having school pride and fun with our friends!

And finally, Isabella and Leila did a Community Service project and made it onto the Leadership team! I am so proud of the both of them.