September 21, 2016

My Big Boy

This was in my drafts from Lord knows when.... So cute!!!


When did it happen? Vincent has grown up so much recently that it amazes me. He has found so many words that he repeats just about everything we tell him.

Fun things he has been saying:

Where are you?
I'm in my room
No, go to your room
Daddy, Save me
High Five
Let me out
Play Ball Outside

He can communicate everything he wants now.
He wants to do everything his sister does.
Yesterday, he colored me a picture and hung it on the fridge just like Sissy has one.

First Day of School

And just like that.... First Day of 6th Grade and 2nd Grade. They amaze me every day and I feel so fortunate to be their Mother. Here is to a fabulous year! 

Isabella turns 11!


We spent most of our summer watching Softball. Isabella was so thrilled to make it on All Stars this year. She put her heart and soul into her softball season and she made it on her own merit. While we didn't quite have the turn out we would have liked with the All Star season, she learned lessons and she also learned that no matter what, her parents and grandparents would be there for her. We love you Isabella and are so excited to see where your Softball career heads...

Vacation 2016

We had an amazing time on our Summer Vacation. From NY to Greece to Italy to Switzerland. I feel so blessed and thankful we can show our kids the world, and see much of it for the first time with them. 


September 7, 2016


Life gets in the way. I think about this blog all the time and how I love to post pictures. I guess Facebook and Instagram have taken over and that's because I'm trying to do personal posts and  business posts. Anyhow, I updated the blog and I will soon update with all our Vacation pictures from this year, Bella's All Star season and the start of a new school year!
