The other morning when Isabella woke up she wanted to have a tea party. Here she is during our morning tea with animal cracker treats.

Poor Uncle Nick is in the hospital with
phemonia :( He has been there since Wednesday and we are all praying he gets better soon. On our way to visit him on Saturday, I looked back and Bella was fast asleep holding Brother's hand. I thought it was so sweet.

Sunday it was perfect weather to enjoy Mom and Dad's backyard! Chris
BBQ'd and the
Parrino family joined us. Here is Chris and the kids "practicing" for Hawaii!!

That pic of Bella holding Vince's hand is just PRECIOUS!
OMG!!!! That pic is classic of Bella and Vin, you have to show that to them when they get older and start fighting.
I'm just noticing that pic again and Bella has her sippy cup in her mouth while she's out! That's so funny!
What a sweet picture of Bella and Vince!
So sorry about Uncle Nick but glad to hear he is doing better now.
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