Vincent turned 5 months old :) These are his pictures we had done today. I want to do a wall of photos upstairs and the lady talked me into these adorable "Faces" collection pictures at Kiddie Kandids. Really she didn't have to twist my arm too much...they couldn't be any cuter. I love how she captured his two bottom teeth! He is in a Hawaiian shirt since he will be taking his frist trip to Hawaii. Guess I will have Sissy's pictures done just the same next month. We have a check-up tomorrow for Vincent and he has to get his shots :( Poor baby! I will update with weight and height!
UPDATE: "The Bubster" as we call him is 19lbs and 13oz. He is 28 1/4 inches tall...which is 97% in weight and off the chart in height. Maybe he will be a tall boy?! Doctor says he is perfect and it is time to start him on rice cereal at night. Also, his top two teeth should be poking through anytime. He got 3 shots and one oral vacine...poor Baby!!
Shut Up! He is so stinking cute.
Love it! xoxo!
Love those pictures! He is just a doll.
When you guys left yesterday I told Derek that I wanted Vin to stay!! haha
Thanks for stopping by and the pictures are too cute for words!
LOL! He is a pound heavier than Caitlin! What a lil' cutie!
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