I picked up this book at Barnes and Noble the other day and I CAN NOT put it down! Gorgeously Green gives you 8 simple steps to a earth-friendly life. The book challenges you to only do what you can and make baby steps every day. Soon enough you will be living a healthy life. I have already made little changes before I picked up this book: buying organic when I can, feeding Vincent organic baby food, using reusable totes, using my Brita and BPA free reusable bottles instead of all the plastic ones we were going through, and using bare minerals makeup. Now that I bought the book, I have found out all of the hazardous chemicals in our cleaners and so forth. Today I bought all of the ingredients to make my own cleaners at home. I plan to purge under my sink (possibly tomorrow - however I might cry because of all the money spent on the cleaners!). Being totally honest, I know that I can not do everything- for example, I don't think I can give up paper towels or start a compost of my leftover foods - but I am going to go for it and see what I can do! I am happy to start doing my part to make this a Greener Earth and a healthier life for my family. I have posted a link to Sophie's website/blog in the sidebar. Check out the video of her on Oprah.
love it becky! you're inspiring me to do more :)
I clean almost everything with vinegar with water... it smells a bit, but you get use to it and it goes away. Best prices for organic is trader joes and fresh & easy, and pay a little extra for a good reusable water bottle:) Also, lets get together soon!!!
Wow! I'm impressed! Yeah, I'm not sure about forgoing paper towels or starting a compost pile either. That's just insane! But, good luck on making your own cleaning supplies. I think you should do an update to this post! Go Becky!
Bravo! I try to do some things. I am a crazy recycler. And would love to do the compost thing. But I sure couldn't give up paper towels, and love 2 ply toilet paper!(hahaha) So proud of you! (as usual)
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