Ugh, I hate when I do that!
March 29, 2010
March 28, 2010
Day 6 - Coffee
Day 5 - Mother and Daughter
My sweet little girl is growing up before my eyes. These were a couple pictures from yesterday's Cooking Club (Thanks Bianca - love you!). Anyway, I love having my girl in my life. There are so many things I am looking forward to: dances, school activities, sports, shopping, a best friend for life. But there are so many things that scare me: periods, broken hearts, sex, boyfriends, drugs, driving, attitudes, you name it. Then I pray to God. I pray for Isabella and I to have the same realtionship I have with my Mom. I pray for guidance and patience. I pray that Isabella is a "good girl" like me. I realize that I am only going to be the best Mother that I know how to be. I will always trust my heart. I know I am going to be overly worried, overly protective and overly sensitive, but that is just ME. With the partnership and love of my husband, the support of my family and the guidance from God we will raise a moral, respectful, sensitive and beautiful soul (and the same goes for Vince)! Thank Heaven for little girls (and boys)!
March 27, 2010
Day 4 - Fridays
The other night Isabella was talking to Gram and Pop on the phone and she said, "I wish every day was Friday!" It was so cute. On Fridays after school (or after Bubs nap) we head over to Grammy's house. We either hang out or go on an errand with Grammy until Popi gets home from work. Yesterday we all happened to be really, Vincent took a nap, Bella laid on the kids bed watching a movie and I read a bit while we watched Days. We meet up with Daddy for dinner after he gets off work. After our visit at dinner we head back to the house, where the kids get in there pajamas and we relax for a few minutes before we head home - that means Cuddle time with Pop. We love our quality time!!
March 25, 2010
Day 3 - To Read...In Peace
One of the things I look forward to most in my day is stealing just a few minutes of peace to read. It doesn't always happen at the same time every day. Whether it be waiting to pick Bella up from school in the car (reminds me of my Mom), while Vincent is napping, or after everyone has gone to bed, I make sure I get that reading in there. I recently finished "by the time you read this" and "Julie and Julia". I loved both of them...then again, I don't ever really dislike a book! I am now on to "The Time Traveler's Wife". I am looking forward to seeing the movie after I am finished with the book. Wish me luck, it isn't often I read a book with 500-something pages!
March 24, 2010
Day 2 Picture - My Secret
I will let you in on my little secret...Calendars and Lists! I have always been one to write things down in a calendar, but in my quest to become an organized Mother of two, I have realized just how important this trait is to me. I have two Mary Engelbreit calendars (which I LOVE) hanging on the fridge, and one that I always carry with me. I also have a notebook that I write continual lists in, mainly "things to do". It is the only way I can remember things and feel a sense of accomplishment throughout the day. It is also how I can keep work tasks and home tasks straight. I can only imagine how much more hectic my life will be once Vincent is old enough to be in school and extra activities.
March 23, 2010
Thank you Facebook!
I LOVE Facebook...It reconnected me with my beautiful Little Sister from Alpha Chi, Sarah! I love her! She had all the special ladies in her life over for a tea party on Saturday before she becomes busy with two kids under two! Sarah wore her adorable apron and served everyone tea and yummy snacks. The perfect hostess. She is going to kill me for putting her picture up on the blog, but I think she looks beautiful pregnant. I had a wonderful time catching up with Jill and Laurie, as well. Thank you so much Sarah!!!!!
Week of "Days" - Day 1
Back in March of last year, Teren and I decided to do a week project. Every day we took a picture and posted it on the blog at night that depicted our day. {Look Here} So, we decided to do it again! Here is my first picture. Tuesday mornings are my Jenny Craig days. I love this diet so much...the weight loss is slow, but it helps to keep it off in the long run. I have lost 10lbs so far and I am still motivated to loose my remaining 20 lbs. I have a ticker at the bottom of the blog to help keep me accountable. I even busted out the exercise dvd I did every day (mostly 2x a day) before I got married. I definitely had a mental block and hatred for this dvd...but I can't deny that it does work! So out it came last week. I am trying to add this together with my walking and before long I will be feeling fit and healthy!
March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We hope everyone had a FUN day! This morning at school, the kids found out that the Leprechauns had been in their classroom! They left green footprints all over, along with messing up the entire class and overturning the chairs. It was so adorable! Isabella talked about it all day. After school we headed to the Moms club party at the park. I haven't been to an activity in a while, so it was nice to see all of those ladies and their kids. Of course I made Corn beef and Cabbage for dinner and we also went to take Easter pictures this afternoon. Happy St. Patty's everyone!
March 16, 2010
Storybook Ballet
Isabella LOVES Storybook Ballet! She is having the best time. They use props, are learning the positions (ant their names) of Ballet, using the Ballet Bar and exploring their imagination. I am going to sign her up for the production in June. I heard that each girl will have their own special older partner who dances on Pointe shoes. Can't wait :)
March 15, 2010
Sunday, Funday
Yesterday afternoon we celebrated 3 birthdays! We had Connor's 3rd birthday party at the park. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a blast.

Then we headed to Grammy and Popi's to celebrate Aunt Jenny and Aunt Julie's birthdays. We also had a special guest. Soner's sister, Seval, is here visiting from Istanbul! She was suppose to arrive the night before, but with flight delays she was traveling for 44 hours :( Can you believe it? We had a great time visiting, eating Maggianos and celebrating family.
Then we headed to Grammy and Popi's to celebrate Aunt Jenny and Aunt Julie's birthdays. We also had a special guest. Soner's sister, Seval, is here visiting from Istanbul! She was suppose to arrive the night before, but with flight delays she was traveling for 44 hours :( Can you believe it? We had a great time visiting, eating Maggianos and celebrating family.
March 13, 2010
Thursday afternoon we met up with my friend Jen and her kids, Ava and Lincoln, at Disneyland! The best thing about a Disney pass is you don't feel like you have to stay the whole day. 3 hours is perfect to eat snacks, go on some rides and enjoy the company. On the way out we stopped by the Disney store for some prizes :) Vincent loves his Mickey Mouse and carries it around the house. We love our friends and the 'happiest place on earth'!
March 10, 2010
Friday afternoon I get a BBM from Chris, "Wanna go to Vegas?". This is so not unusual for him. So I said, "Sure. When?". He says, "Tonight or Tomorrow." I say, "Ok. I would rather go tomorrow because I am already in Fullerton at a meeting and I would have to drive home and get packed, etc." So that evening he said he had taken care of everything: staying at Planet Hollywood; no kids. We continued with our scheduled Friday dinner with Gram and Pop. Then on the way home I remember, "OOPS...I have Kindergarten registration in the morning!". I clean up the house, pack what I can and get the papers ready for Kindergarten registration in the morning. We planned on leaving right after I was done at Wickman. Well long story short, Kindergarten registration took me until about 11:30am. We then headed toward Rancho to drop the kids off with the Calagnas and since we were so late heading out we got to stop by Teegan's party for a awhile and celebrate his bday with him. Bella even won a prize!!! We then dropped the kids off. About an hour out of Vegas, Chris said, "Will you open the glove box?" So I did. "There is a Union Bank envelope in there... can you open it?"....BON JOVI TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!! OHMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! I was super pumped. What a wonderful husband. Seriously, he knew I was bummed that I missed the Bon Jovi concert when it was back home so he bought us tickets for that night. I can not even tell you how excited I was! You know he is my FAVORITE! So Bon Jovi "brought it" for a good 2hrs and 45minutes. It was the best concert! Loved it!!! Of course I did not bring my camera. So this was taken on my cell phone. I have a (that's right!) FUN-SAVER that is waiting for me to develope it. We had a great rest of the weekend relaxing, shopping, gambling and hanging out together doing the usual Vegas stuff! Thank you Chris for being the best ever! You ROCK!
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