February 25, 2011
Vince didn't want to eat his dinner tonight. He said it was, "Ewwy and Yucky". We told him he still needed to sit at the dinner table and talk to us. So instead of eating, he decided to entertain us all with a game of Peak-a-Boo! He is like Daddy...always knows when to make us laugh!

Breaking My Heart!
Last night was tough on me, as a Mother. My sweet little girl had not ate all week long. My mind thought it was only about being sick. I have been making Isabella drink lots of fluid so as to not get dehydrated, especially with not eating. Everything I mentioned to make for her, she shook her head and said no. She told Grandma, "I haven't been eating lately." This statement got me worried and in an attempt to make her eat SOMETHING for dinner our conversation went like this:
Me: Isabella, you HAVE to eat something. You are going to keep loosing weight if you don't eat.
I: I need to loose weight, Mom. I have a big Belly!
Me: WHAT? Are you kidding me...You are perfect Isabella....You don't have a big Belly.
I: Yes I do Mom...No one in my class has a big Belly like I do.
Oh No, No, No. You have to be kidding me that she thinks this at 5 years old. Does it really start this early? It broke my heart. She has true and horrible feelings already of her body image. Sure, I remember the feelings myself and the way kids were so mean to me about being overweight. But gosh, I surely was NOT five years old!
I: Besides Mom, I don't really like school because some of the kids are mean to me (she has told me of a few instances ... one of a broken promise and one of a kid shaking her shirt when she asked him a question).
Bless her heart, AGAIN! She is just like me in that she has this sensitive and emotional heart. Chris was at a work dinner and not home to deal with me. I called Grammy and Pop and they gave her a pep talk about God and all of her family thinking she is perfect and making everyone different. I went off some advice from our dear friend Ms. Amanda and told her along the same lines...God loves you Isabella and when people are mean to you it makes God super sad. He wants you to remember to love everyone and be kind. I talked to Aunt Amy and confessed that although Isabella needs to toughen up, I really don't want her to. It is what makes her so special to all of us.
Then I cried...
I cried because I truly remember what Isabella feels...
I cried because I am so mad that she already has to go through this...
I cried because I wonder and worry about how I am going to teach my child how absolutely beautiful she is when other kids are always going to be there saying otherwise...
I cried because this is what my girl has looked like all week....

Me: Isabella, you HAVE to eat something. You are going to keep loosing weight if you don't eat.
I: I need to loose weight, Mom. I have a big Belly!
Me: WHAT? Are you kidding me...You are perfect Isabella....You don't have a big Belly.
I: Yes I do Mom...No one in my class has a big Belly like I do.
Oh No, No, No. You have to be kidding me that she thinks this at 5 years old. Does it really start this early? It broke my heart. She has true and horrible feelings already of her body image. Sure, I remember the feelings myself and the way kids were so mean to me about being overweight. But gosh, I surely was NOT five years old!
I: Besides Mom, I don't really like school because some of the kids are mean to me (she has told me of a few instances ... one of a broken promise and one of a kid shaking her shirt when she asked him a question).
Bless her heart, AGAIN! She is just like me in that she has this sensitive and emotional heart. Chris was at a work dinner and not home to deal with me. I called Grammy and Pop and they gave her a pep talk about God and all of her family thinking she is perfect and making everyone different. I went off some advice from our dear friend Ms. Amanda and told her along the same lines...God loves you Isabella and when people are mean to you it makes God super sad. He wants you to remember to love everyone and be kind. I talked to Aunt Amy and confessed that although Isabella needs to toughen up, I really don't want her to. It is what makes her so special to all of us.
Then I cried...
I cried because I truly remember what Isabella feels...
I cried because I am so mad that she already has to go through this...
I cried because I wonder and worry about how I am going to teach my child how absolutely beautiful she is when other kids are always going to be there saying otherwise...
I cried because this is what my girl has looked like all week....
And I prayed for the Lord to help me. To give me the strength to deal with my own weight issues. I will not be using the word diet around my house anymore. I will work on exercising and being healthy so I am a good example for my daughter. Chris and I will continue to shower our daughter with praise and love in hopes that our encouragement will prevail, no matter what.
Fireman Bubs
Little Vincent loves anything to do with Firemen. He sleeps with his Fireman trucks in his bed and plays with his fireman house non-stop. Any time he sees a fire truck he goes NUTS. We were at Target yesterday and we found these adorable Fireman Rain boots. The kid does not want to take them off. In fact, he slept with them on last night and has worn them every minute of the day for the past two days...
He says, "I got 'em my Fireman boots!"

He says, "I got 'em my Fireman boots!"
February 23, 2011
SICK and well, LAZY!
Ugh, my poor baby girl is back to a fever and a full blown cold today. She missed school AGAIN as well as Softball practice! I am back to having a cold/sore throat/stuffiness and Vincent is also sick with what sounds like more congestion...What in the world? We might be off to the doctors tomorrow :(
This morning I had promised to take Leila to school thinking that Bella would be well to attend, so since we were all not feeling well and being lazy, I just let my kids stay in their pajamas and bundled them up. We also made a trip to the grocery store like this for some juice (a few other things) and to rent a movie.

This morning I had promised to take Leila to school thinking that Bella would be well to attend, so since we were all not feeling well and being lazy, I just let my kids stay in their pajamas and bundled them up. We also made a trip to the grocery store like this for some juice (a few other things) and to rent a movie.

February 22, 2011
To Be A Kid!
The Black Jelly Bean...
My husband passionately dislikes black licorice. I on the other hand, LOVE IT! He hates when I eat Good n Plenty candies and can even smell them on my breath (so he says)! Anyhow, when we have Jelly Belly's in the house, Chris leaves me the black jelly beans in random places. I will find two by the computer, some on the kitchen counter or on the coffee table. It makes me smile whenever I find them. I think he is being pretty thoughtful because he knows it makes me laugh and he could just as easily throw them away. And this morning was the lonesome black jelly bean in the bottom of the container... 
Oh how it is the simple things that keep us happy! :)
Weekend Recap...
I only took 3 pictures the WHOLE weekend. Sick, Sick and more Sick was the way it went. Friday night we had a 'carb load' party at Coach Kristy and Coach Jose's house. The girls got their uniforms, spaghetti and a pep talk! But, Opening Day was canceled due to the rain.
Friday evening, Isabella started to feel yucky. Saturday she also did not feel good and stayed in Jammies all day. Popi and Grammy came over and we cooked them dinner for their Anniversary...after dinner we played Mexican Train (the best!)! Isabella cried and cried when she could not go with them to spend the night, but she was sick! Sunday she was sick again with a fever. However, I had a bunch of stuff to take to Gram and Pops for Aunt Jenny. We all went over there for a BBQ that afternoon (thanks Pop)!. And still sick....Bella didn't do much but lay on their couch and sleep. Again, she cried and cried because we wouldn't let her spend the night. We told her she needed to be home to get better. And finally yesterday, I promised Isabella that we could stay in bed all day and watch movies. That is exactly what we did. Besides the laundry, straightening up and dishes I did we just stayed in her room and had a movie marathon! I slow cooked Beef Stew and really it turned out to be a great low key day...
Oh, and Vincent has also been sick with a cold as well. He just hasn't had the fever, chills and dizziness that Isabella has had. I finished up my antibiotics and feel better...although, I am sure that this 'bug' will find its way to me as well. Isabella is going to stay home for school today and hopefully she will be well for tomorrow's softball practice and our busy weekened ahead!
Friday evening, Isabella started to feel yucky. Saturday she also did not feel good and stayed in Jammies all day. Popi and Grammy came over and we cooked them dinner for their Anniversary...after dinner we played Mexican Train (the best!)! Isabella cried and cried when she could not go with them to spend the night, but she was sick! Sunday she was sick again with a fever. However, I had a bunch of stuff to take to Gram and Pops for Aunt Jenny. We all went over there for a BBQ that afternoon (thanks Pop)!. And still sick....Bella didn't do much but lay on their couch and sleep. Again, she cried and cried because we wouldn't let her spend the night. We told her she needed to be home to get better. And finally yesterday, I promised Isabella that we could stay in bed all day and watch movies. That is exactly what we did. Besides the laundry, straightening up and dishes I did we just stayed in her room and had a movie marathon! I slow cooked Beef Stew and really it turned out to be a great low key day...
February 19, 2011
Final Outfit - Lazy Day!
We have just been pitering around the house today and doing chores here and there. We contemplated going to Vegas because of the 3 day weekend and Opening Day being canceled, but Isabella is sick, unfortunately! So here I am in my lounge clothes and my Kurt Warner book!

Lounge Pants + Sweatshirt + Tank all from Old Navy. Wet hair. No makeup...
Gotta love Saturdays!!
PS...it is really bugging me that the blacks look like they don't match in this picture :( I bought these at the same time and they haven't been in the wash yet. Boo!
February 18, 2011
Outfit - Day # 6
February 17, 2011
Outfit #5...
February 16, 2011
Outfit #4 - Crappy
Today I am sick. I feel so crappy....this cough/head cold is getting the best of me right now. I have stayed home all day (with thanks to my friend Lamis who was kind enough to do the am and pm carpool duty!!). As a result of being sick and a good benefit of staying home, here is my outfit #4...

Pajamas: Ambrielle from JCP
Tank: Worthington from JCP
Vincent's UCLA cozy blankie + my iPad
Tank: Worthington from JCP
Vincent's UCLA cozy blankie + my iPad
February 15, 2011
Outfit #3 - Get 'er done
There are just those days when you don't feel good. Days when you have to do housework. Days when you are going on a walk with a friend for some exercise and fresh air...

Blue "track suit" (Bella thought that was the funniest thing she has ever heard when I called it that)... SJB Active from JCPenney
White Tank: Old Navy
Nike tennis shoes: Kohls (sorry I cut them off on accident!)
Silver hoops that Chris says you can play basketball in: Kohls
Hair pulled back in a wet pony tail ...
Yep, this is me!!!
White Tank: Old Navy
Nike tennis shoes: Kohls (sorry I cut them off on accident!)
Silver hoops that Chris says you can play basketball in: Kohls
Hair pulled back in a wet pony tail ...
Yep, this is me!!!
February 14, 2011
Our Valentine's Day...So Far!
This weekend was pretty busy! Saturday Isabella had practice and then we went to dinner with my parents. Isabella was lucky enough to spend the night with them on Saturday night. So Sunday, I ran a few errands and then picked her up! We then headed to Chris' parents where we had another yummy dinner! I can not tell you how happy I am to have our parents show our children so much love!!!
You all know I have been sick with a cough and cold. So this morning I went downstairs as to not wake Chris up with all my coughing. When he left this morning he said, "Just push play". On my bathroom sink was his ipod set to the most BEAUTIFUL song: Marry Me by Train and as I listened, I read the most BEAUTIFUL card from him. Of course, I was bawling! I love that man.

The kids got their final Valentine #14 today (Pajamas and some extra treats). We missed Valentine #13 in the excitment of yesterday. It was suppose to be ice-cream sundaes, so I will have to make up for that tonight! Anyhow, after the kids and I got ready, we made stop 1 at A-W for Popi, stop 2 at Grammy Nancy's and stop 3 to have lunch with Daddy. It was a fun filled morning surprising and sharing love with our family. On our drive I told Isabella, 'doesn't it feel so good to do things for others?!'.
After a stop to the grocery store on our way home, I found gorgeous red roses from my Valentine waiting on the porch!
I hope everyone had a beautiful day with their loved ones! Love to you all, my friends!!
You all know I have been sick with a cough and cold. So this morning I went downstairs as to not wake Chris up with all my coughing. When he left this morning he said, "Just push play". On my bathroom sink was his ipod set to the most BEAUTIFUL song: Marry Me by Train and as I listened, I read the most BEAUTIFUL card from him. Of course, I was bawling! I love that man.

After a stop to the grocery store on our way home, I found gorgeous red roses from my Valentine waiting on the porch!
I hope everyone had a beautiful day with their loved ones! Love to you all, my friends!!
Outfit - Day 2!
A bit fancier than I would wear on a normal day, but since it is Valentine's Day and we headed out to make our Valentine's deliveries and have lunch with Daddy, I wanted to look a little nicer!

Trouser Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft
White Tank: Old Navy
Pink Cardigan: Macys
Floral Scarf (Bday present from Alice): Kohls
Pink Earrings (Present from Soner's Sister): from Turkey
Gold Necklace: Vintage heart with R from when I was a kid
Pink heels: Franco Strata from TJ Maxx
White Tank: Old Navy
Pink Cardigan: Macys
Floral Scarf (Bday present from Alice): Kohls
Pink Earrings (Present from Soner's Sister): from Turkey
Gold Necklace: Vintage heart with R from when I was a kid
Pink heels: Franco Strata from TJ Maxx
February 13, 2011
Week of Outfits - Day 1
Remember how Teren and I have done our week of photos before? Well, it is about time for that, and T sent me an email asking if I would join her in week of outfits. Of course I wanted to join her, but my first thought was: I am not as stylish as I use to be! BUT Teren said we would be doing HONEST pictures of what we REALLY wear for one week and I love that she said we can even post a pic in our PJs (you might just see that from me!).
I have to agree with Teren on the fact that it is embarrassing to take a pic of yourself. I also do not have a full length mirror in my house, SO I was in the bathroom at Macys this afternoon....low and behold, a full length mirror. Then, what do you do with your hands and where do you move the phone to take your picture? I am not like all those cool teenagers that know just how to take phone pictures! Haha.
So, here we go...

Black Tank + Jeans: OLD...The Limited
Pink Shirt (Magenta as Bella would say): Old Navy
Sweater: Old Navy
Sandals: Steve Madden knock offs from Target
Silver Cross (Nordstrom) + Silver Hoops (Kohls)
Black Bag: Kohls
I have to agree with Teren on the fact that it is embarrassing to take a pic of yourself. I also do not have a full length mirror in my house, SO I was in the bathroom at Macys this afternoon....low and behold, a full length mirror. Then, what do you do with your hands and where do you move the phone to take your picture? I am not like all those cool teenagers that know just how to take phone pictures! Haha.
So, here we go...

Black Tank + Jeans: OLD...The Limited
Pink Shirt (Magenta as Bella would say): Old Navy
Sweater: Old Navy
Sandals: Steve Madden knock offs from Target
Silver Cross (Nordstrom) + Silver Hoops (Kohls)
Black Bag: Kohls
February 12, 2011
Valentines Everywhere!
Isabella's party was super fun! Despite being sick, I sucked it up and helped all day at school. The kids were so excited with all of the treats they got from each other. And oh my goodness, how lucky they are!!!!
Bella loves to have me help in class and I think is very proud when I am there (hopefully that feeling will remain)!
We then headed to my parents where Papa Guy cooked us a YUMMY dinner!

We then headed to my parents where Papa Guy cooked us a YUMMY dinner!
Chris took Bella to Softball practice this morning! This is Valentine #12 waiting for them - Muffins (again). I love to make muffins on a weekend morning while I am doing some chores. These are cinnamon streusel!
February 11, 2011
Cupcakes + Valentine #11
Grandma Alice picked up Vin around 4:30 yesterday afternoon to keep him overnight since I am helping at Isabella's Valentine Party today! After Vin left, Bella and I got to baking our 'pinkalicious' cupcakes!
We took a break for bath time while the cupcakes baked and then decorated them! Don't they look delectable (That is Fancy for yummy!)...

We took a break for bath time while the cupcakes baked and then decorated them! Don't they look delectable (That is Fancy for yummy!)...
And today's Valentine #11...Reading book + those rubber bands that are so cool right now for Isabella and Coloring book + Dinos for Vincent.
OH, I am also sick and NOT happy about it!!! BUT....Happy Friday, Y'all!
OH, I am also sick and NOT happy about it!!! BUT....Happy Friday, Y'all!
February 10, 2011
A First + Valentine 10
Unfortunately we had our first encounter with Stealing yesterday afternoon!
I was cleaning up Isabella's tote bag and I found this shield. Our conversation went something like this:
So I am proud of Isabella and I think she learned her lesson. Then I go to drop her off at school this morning and we give the note to Amar. I talk to Amar's Mom and she says, "OH...this is just something they found on the ground before school when they were playing treasure hunt...so it isn't really Amars!"
Oops! I guess I might have overreacted and Bella was telling me the truth when she said it was just something they found, but I wanted her to know how important it is to tell the truth and not steal.

- Me: Bella, Do you know what this is?
- Bella: Yes...it is Am (pause), I mean just something we found.
- Me: Isabella, are you lying to me? Did you steal this from Amar?
- Bella: Yes, Mom. But Mariah told me to take it.
- Me: Isabella, I don't care who told you to take something. You never steal from someone else. Would you be happy if your friend stole something from you?
- Bella: No, Mom.
- Me: Would that be a good friend??
- Bella: No, Mom.
- Me: Taking something from a friend is not nice Isabella and God does not like that you have done that.
- Bella: I know Mom. I will write Amar a note to say I am sorry and I will give it back to her tomorrow. Note: Sorry Amar. I am sorry. Mariah took your shield first and I picked it up (something like that..Lol).
February 9, 2011
A Chef??
I have a feeling that if my son is not going to be a ball player, he will be a chef! He has absolutely always loved the kitchen. He brings me his apron to put on and plays away pretending his is cooking/baking. It is quite interesting the things I find when I open the bottom oven (shoes, socks, avocados, lemons...you name it!). And if he is not a chef, at least he will make some girl really happy by cooking for her!

Isabella has always loved helping me bake, that is no different! She saw that Mom was going to take a picture of Brother, so she wanted to put her apron on and get in on the action. Now if they were just a little bit older to actually cook for me!!
February 7, 2011
Sunday, Funday!
Valentine #6 - Who doesn't love a new box of Crayons?!
And a Happy Monday Morning with Valentine #7 - Another Scooby Doo for Vincent (his current obsession) and two new reading books for Belle!
xoxo to you, my friends!
We headed to Lauren's 6th birthday party at Wild Kingdom in the morning. Isabella LOVES this place and tells me all about the different things you can do. She loved hanging out with Kendal!
Grandparents came over right after we got home from Wild Kingdom to watch the Super Bowl! Here are the Grandpas giving Isabella some lessons!
Look at that swing!
The guys played pool and watched the game. The Grandmas helped me make the Valentines for Isabella's class party on Friday (So excited to have those done with)! Ps...I so love the Black Eyed Peas! 
And a Happy Monday Morning with Valentine #7 - Another Scooby Doo for Vincent (his current obsession) and two new reading books for Belle!
This week is also Random Acts of Kindness at school. So on Friday I got everything ready and sent it to school. Nothing like being prepared!
How Happy Can One Girl Be?
One day when we were holed up in my room while the floor was getting done, I hear Isabella singing this song..."How happy can one girl be? How happy can one girl be?". I know it means my daughter watches a lot of TV and yes the commercial is for fast food, which is not healthy, but I really love this commercial! How sweet that it is teaching kids they are so lucky to have their friends and family rather than all the toys they want on their birthday list. And my favorite line: "Joy is a gift!"
February 5, 2011
There's Something Special...
...about a Father and his Little Girl! I know this because of the bond I have always had with my Dad. I am so proud and get teary-eyed to see Isabella have such a special relationship with her Dad. She has been looking forward to the Father-Daughter dance at school for weeks. She wanted to curl her hair for Dad (don't you wish you had that hair!!) and dress fancy. At the party they danced, had desserts and Dad bought her a special flower. Chris said all the little girls were checking out eachother's dresses ... haha, I guess it starts early!

February 4, 2011
After naps yesterday afternoon, we headed to Jared's 6th Birthday party at Wild Kingdom. Both kids absolutely LOVE this place (it is like Pump It Up)! To our surprise, some of our friends from Preschool were there playing. Isabella was thrilled to play with them and also celebrate Jared's birthday! She said to me, "Jared has a lot of friends, Mom!" Of course, it was hard to make them leave...But we have another party there Sunday morning!
Valentine #4 - Special Note + Chocolate Peeps Heart! YUM!

Valentine #4 - Special Note + Chocolate Peeps Heart! YUM!
Tonight is Isabella's Father/Daughter Dance at school! Mommy doesn't get to go, but I will take pictures before they leave....Happy Friday everyone!
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