We headed to Lauren's 6th birthday party at Wild Kingdom in the morning. Isabella LOVES this place and tells me all about the different things you can do. She loved hanging out with Kendal!
Grandparents came over right after we got home from Wild Kingdom to watch the Super Bowl! Here are the Grandpas giving Isabella some lessons!
Look at that swing!
The guys played pool and watched the game. The Grandmas helped me make the Valentines for Isabella's class party on Friday (So excited to have those done with)! Ps...I so love the Black Eyed Peas! 
And a Happy Monday Morning with Valentine #7 - Another Scooby Doo for Vincent (his current obsession) and two new reading books for Belle!
This week is also Random Acts of Kindness at school. So on Friday I got everything ready and sent it to school. Nothing like being prepared!
What is Random Act of Kindness week? Sounds cool. =)
So cute! That girl Lauren's bday cake was pretty awesome! Looks like you guys are having a great week!
T...Random Acts of Kindness. Day #1was a granola bar and bottle of water for the classroom emergency kit. Day #2 was toiletries for C.A.R.E program. Day #4 was diapers and wipes for Foothill Family Shelter. And then every day they are buying hearts for the Let It Be Foundation. Pretty cool, huh? So I also bought 5 little things at Michaels for Isabella's teacher (she loves Mary Engelbreit) and she is giving her one each day this week. Random Acts/Valentines :) xoxo
So cute!!
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