- Being in TEXAS! Taking a peaceful walk on the ranch this morning...just me and the grasshoppers (Ha-Ha!)
- Isabella's end of school
- Monday, Monday (meetings with Teren & Rebecca)
- Movie Wednesdays
- Summer Fun Jar
- Being able to see friends ANY DAY!
- Manicures & Pedicures with Lauren
- Isabella donating hair to Locks of Love
- Vincent counting to 10 all on his own!
- Realizing that I had my first day with my Husband TWELVE years ago. So happy, thankful, and smiley for him!
June 30, 2011
10 Things To Smile About - June
Howdy Y'all! So much to smile about in the month of June...and I know that will continue into July!!!
June 26, 2011
Our Weekend
My sweet niece Samantha graduated from High School this week and her fab party was last night. She was valedictorian, is going to USC in the fall and just an all around awesome young lady.
David and Julie are very proud. The best part was the slide show and poem that Julie read to Sam!! It made me realize just how fast time is going to pass and how fast time has ALREADY past since I remember playing with Samantha when she was my kids age and I was still in High School!! Uncle Chris didn't like that I gave Sam a USC related gift (of course not, us being UCLA fans!) so he busted out his checkbook and gave her his own gift in his own card and everything. He says, "She will like mine better anyway!"... Love it!

Today we had a BBQ at Chris' old secretary's house Linda (who retired earlier this year). They live in Norco and have Horses, so we knew the kids would LOVE it! Except, we were foolish enough to let Vincent in the saddle without using a belt to belt him in(Like we do in Texas) and well, he fell off!!! It was HORRIBLE...but it could have been so much worse, and we will Thank God that it wasn't. He fell on his front side and has little scratches all over his legs and face/chin from the dirt. His mouth and nose were full of dirt, but again, THANK GOD he did not get trampled by the Horse or hit his head. And we will try to get him back on in Texas so that he won't always be 'scared' as he says.

Today we had a BBQ at Chris' old secretary's house Linda (who retired earlier this year). They live in Norco and have Horses, so we knew the kids would LOVE it! Except, we were foolish enough to let Vincent in the saddle without using a belt to belt him in(Like we do in Texas) and well, he fell off!!! It was HORRIBLE...but it could have been so much worse, and we will Thank God that it wasn't. He fell on his front side and has little scratches all over his legs and face/chin from the dirt. His mouth and nose were full of dirt, but again, THANK GOD he did not get trampled by the Horse or hit his head. And we will try to get him back on in Texas so that he won't always be 'scared' as he says.

Locks of Love
Isabella decided that she wanted to cut her hair! I made sure it was her own decision...she even asked Daddy if it was OK on Thursday night since we were headed to the Salon on Friday morning. She was so brave and she absolutely loves her new hair cut. She keeps looking at herself in the mirror and swinging her hair. She said to me, "Mom, I am so glad I decided to cut my hair! I really like it...when it grows, I think I am going to cut it again because I would like to start 1st grade with it like this." SO CUTE!!!! And she cut TWELVE inches off her hair, so we are sending in our donation to LOCKS OF LOVE. It makes me so proud to be teaching Isabella about donating and people in need. She is very happy to have another little kid who is sick and needs a hair piece use her hair. I can not get over what a big girl I have AND how darn cute she looks with her hair cut!!
June 22, 2011
2 Fun Things!

This morning was Movie Wednesdays! We saw Ramona and Beezus with our Titone-Perez friends!! I was surprised that Vin actually sat through the whole movie. At one point in the movie the kitty died and it made Isabella cry and Vincent say, "I want to go home and see my Kitty!". It was so sweet.
After our movie date we headed to Luke and Lilly's new house! We had such a fun time with the kids playing and I am so happy for Vanessa and Brian...just love their new house!
The upper left hand picture is from Target yesterday. We have never used those carts before and I think I might have found my new trick :) The kids thought they were on a ride! Of course they liked that they were getting new undies, pajamas and socks so that might have been why their interest was held.
After our movie date we headed to Luke and Lilly's new house! We had such a fun time with the kids playing and I am so happy for Vanessa and Brian...just love their new house!
The upper left hand picture is from Target yesterday. We have never used those carts before and I think I might have found my new trick :) The kids thought they were on a ride! Of course they liked that they were getting new undies, pajamas and socks so that might have been why their interest was held.
June 21, 2011
Father's Day + Good Start to the Week!
Surprisingly, I only took these three pictures on Father's Day! It was a fun BBQ at Mom and Dads with the family celebrating our men!
We had a great start to the week yesterday with a visit to the Splash Pad with our friends. Vincent couldn't wait to tell Daddy all about his day at dinner. He told him we went to the splash pad with "Sissy's friends" and then to the grocery store and got Chuppy (ketchup) and Juicy. Ha Ha. The kids had a blast and it was perfect weather!

We had a great start to the week yesterday with a visit to the Splash Pad with our friends. Vincent couldn't wait to tell Daddy all about his day at dinner. He told him we went to the splash pad with "Sissy's friends" and then to the grocery store and got Chuppy (ketchup) and Juicy. Ha Ha. The kids had a blast and it was perfect weather!

June 19, 2011
More Fun :)
Happy Father's Day everyone :) Friday we had a great day. We went to Wonderland Bakery and picked up some cookies for Daddy, then visited him at work and went to lunch! It is always fun to visit the bank :)
Then we ran a couple of errands and ended up at Grammy and Popi's. Popi came home early and we went to Irvine park to ride the horses and train. Unfortunately, this was Isabella's last time to ride the little ponies because she is too tall!
Yesterday was Grammy Alice's birthday, so we met at BJs for a yummy lunch!!
Then I attended Bob's retirement dinner from A-W. No kids allowed, so Daddy stayed home and watched them. I had a great time visiting with Cousin Tony, Mons, Jen and Frank and all of the newbies. Bob has worked there for 17 years...15 of which my Dad has owned!
Dad gave such a thoughtful speech and gifts!
And this morning Isabella told me Daddy wanted Pancakes...so we wipped together Breakfast in Bed for our BEST DAD! We are looking forward to the BBQ at Pop and Gram's and visiting with the family.

Then we ran a couple of errands and ended up at Grammy and Popi's. Popi came home early and we went to Irvine park to ride the horses and train. Unfortunately, this was Isabella's last time to ride the little ponies because she is too tall!

Yesterday was Grammy Alice's birthday, so we met at BJs for a yummy lunch!!

Then I attended Bob's retirement dinner from A-W. No kids allowed, so Daddy stayed home and watched them. I had a great time visiting with Cousin Tony, Mons, Jen and Frank and all of the newbies. Bob has worked there for 17 years...15 of which my Dad has owned!

June 17, 2011
June 16, 2011
Thursday Recap!
Stephanie...how many times have you seen this today?? Ha Ha
This has just been a plain FUN week! The kids have behaved so well (and maybe that is because I am in a better mood!)...Today we went to the splash pad with Kendal, Maddie and Stephanie and Berlin, Milan and Diana! It was such a fun time, even though the girls were all freezing. And then we went to Chick Fil A for lunch. I can't tell you how much fun I had chatting it up with these ladies while the kids played.
It was perfect until...I backed into a car in the parking lot. I swear he was not there and it is hard to see in that lot, so he must have been speeding by...just happened to be the exact time I was backing out. UGH! Oh well...Life moves on! Can't wait for more splash pad fun this summer!
Here are a few of Mr. Vincent. He loves his computer time, is always the last one eating dinner and hates when Daddy puts him on top of the fridge (especially today since he has been so busy and Mommy woke him up from his nap)! AND, are you surprised I got him to wear something other than Fire Boots?
This has just been a plain FUN week! The kids have behaved so well (and maybe that is because I am in a better mood!)...Today we went to the splash pad with Kendal, Maddie and Stephanie and Berlin, Milan and Diana! It was such a fun time, even though the girls were all freezing. And then we went to Chick Fil A for lunch. I can't tell you how much fun I had chatting it up with these ladies while the kids played.
It was perfect until...I backed into a car in the parking lot. I swear he was not there and it is hard to see in that lot, so he must have been speeding by...just happened to be the exact time I was backing out. UGH! Oh well...Life moves on! Can't wait for more splash pad fun this summer!
Here are a few of Mr. Vincent. He loves his computer time, is always the last one eating dinner and hates when Daddy puts him on top of the fridge (especially today since he has been so busy and Mommy woke him up from his nap)! AND, are you surprised I got him to wear something other than Fire Boots?
June 15, 2011
Movie Wednesdays!

Today started our Harkins Movie Wednesdays! The movie was Clifford's Big Movie. Isabella said it was "amazing"! This was Vin's first trip to the movies and he sat through the whole thing just LOVING it! He was laughing and carrying on while eating his popcorn and sharing Mommy's 'soadie'...We also had Connor join us...he saw the movie Monday and loved it again. My poor Rebecca and kids didn't make it because of the dumb freeway shooting. I am so sorry my friend! I think we are all looking forward to next week...
June 14, 2011
Summer Fun - Finger Painting

Today Isabella pulled Finger-Painting out of the jar. She could hardly wait for Vincent to get up this morning to head outside and paint! I laid some butcher paper down in the backyard and they painted and painted. I brought out the iPad and sat in the sun for a while. Then we threw them in the bath, went to sign up for VBS and ran to Walmart...For some reason they have been behaving very well this week (OK, it is ONLY Tuesday, but I can hope for a continued trend!). And on the bottom left is an added bonus of Jared coming over to play! Hope everyone is having a Fab day!
June 13, 2011
Monday Fun - Park Day!
On Mondays we are meeting up with Teren, Rebecca and the kids! Today was our first outing, so we went to the Park! The kids had such a blast playing in the sand, chasing each other, playing duck-duck-goose, eating, etc. We are switching off picking where we want to go and can't wait until next week! xo
Keepin It FUN!
Isabella and I came up with something fun to do this summer. Inside this jar are slips of paper with activities on them. Every Tuesday, and possibly Thursday/Friday, Isabella will get to pick a slip ("with eyes closed" as she says) and we will be surprised as to what we get to do that day! Some of the activities are: Finger paint, Go to the Library, Pajama Day w/ a friend, take Daddy lunch, bake Cupcakes and so on.... So, these don't cost hardly anything but it will keep the kids busy and Mommy sane! Plus, I think some of them will add smiles to peoples faces - which is something I want my kids to learn! We picked Tuesdays because Mondays we have planned very special time with Teren and Rebecca and Wednesday mornings we are going to the Harkins summer movies!
June 11, 2011
Another Tooth Fairy Visit!

Bella has had a second loose tooth for weeks now, but last night at dinner she was messing around and was biting the strap of Grandma's purse. Well, the purse fell down and the weight of the purse pretty much pulled her tooth out. She was having a panic attack and I actually had to calm her down and use breathing techniques that I would use on myself for a panic attack...(she even said she couldn't breathe). Anyhow, it came out on its own on the way home from the restaurant (Claim Jumper which she picked for her Grad dinner). She was very emotional as you can see from the two pictures of her showing me the tooth. This morning however, she was super excited that the tooth fairy left pink fairy dust and a heart! She said, "She must really like me Mom!". She has continued to be all smiles today and ate her special cupcake that Popi bought her yesterday.
June 9, 2011
We have a 1st Grader!
Well friends, today marked the end of Kindergarten (enter sad face here). Isabella has hardly been able to contain her excitement for DAYS! We went to school early at 8am and with the help of my friend Stephanie we set up the Teddy Bear picnic and the spot where our class would eat! The kids came about 8:30 and they had many stations to play... sand toys, water balloons, hula hoop, parachute, and face painting. It was adorable! After the play time, the kids all ate individual pizza and other awesome goodies that were donated by the adults. Then back to the classroom where they got their report cards, attendance awards, diploma and memory book. Mrs. Bain cried while she gave her speech to the kids and wished them luck in 1st grade. It was too sweet!!

So if we can all continue to get healthy...SUMMER, here we come!!! And boy is Mama looking forward to a nap right now :)

June 8, 2011
Back to WORK!
Yes, I know that I go in super big spurts with my work. But dang it for giving me pride! I can't just let it go...Look how far I have come from 2005. Yes, it might not have grown or earned as much money as I would like, but it is part of me. It is my NAME. So here I go, back at it. The {Shop} changed to Summer. The {Site} has a new Summer featured wedding that I just love! And the {Blog} has a 30 day blog challenge thanks so much to my Bianca! The {Facebook} page has a lot of new pictures and the blog is also linked to that. Please suggest to your friends to like our Facebook page!! xoxo
June 6, 2011
In Bloom
My roses and gardenias are FINALLY in bloom! This is such exciting news for me!! I have been cutting both and putting them inside my house. I love to have a floating gardenia by my kitchen sink and to have roses by the front door...I call it Soup for the Soul! Our lilies in the backyard are also in bloom. Saturday night Chris picked up Lucille's and we ate outside on the bar...It was so NICE!

June 4, 2011
10 Things to Smile About - MAY
A little bit late. I can not believe how fast the months have gone by. Here it is, June! End of school, relaxing, traveling, play dates, birthdays...wow...there will be a ton to smile about this Summer :)
So here is my list of things that made me smile in May.
- Turning 32
- Mother's Day
- Softball banquet
- Grammy Nancy + Uncle Nick birthdays
- Lots of family dinners
- Isabella's school program + Open House
- Mommy and Daddy Vegas trip
- Finding time to read lots - loved my High Heel women sleuth series
- Cutting my hair
- All of our season finales
June 3, 2011
Around the Corner
Summer is just around the corner! Isabella is very excited. She only has 5 (really 4 + a party) days left of being in Kindergarten! Here is her last homework assignment she turned in Yesterday. I took the pictures because I thought it was so sweet that she mentioned Texas, 4th of July and Aunt Diane. She is counting down the days until we hit the 'air'!

Isabella is also proud to say that she turned in her homework on time every week to receive a sticker on the back of her folder.
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