Bella has had a second loose tooth for weeks now, but last night at dinner she was messing around and was biting the strap of Grandma's purse. Well, the purse fell down and the weight of the purse pretty much pulled her tooth out. She was having a panic attack and I actually had to calm her down and use breathing techniques that I would use on myself for a panic attack...(she even said she couldn't breathe). Anyhow, it came out on its own on the way home from the restaurant (Claim Jumper which she picked for her Grad dinner). She was very emotional as you can see from the two pictures of her showing me the tooth. This morning however, she was super excited that the tooth fairy left pink fairy dust and a heart! She said, "She must really like me Mom!". She has continued to be all smiles today and ate her special cupcake that Popi bought her yesterday.
lol! Bella you put a smile on my face girly!
Haha! I LOVE this stage of our girls (although I don't think I will love the orthodontic bi!l in a couple of years!) Losing teeth is so cute!` Bella has a great smile!
I love the fairy dust! What a great idea our toothfairy is going to have to steal that one when the time comes.
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