I can not believe a week has past. We'll start with our soccer game last Saturday afternoon. I can hardly believe there are only 2 more games and the season is over! Isabella played so hard and did a great job. She didn't score but was truly hustling.

Afterward, Chris had our Parents over for a BBQ while I got ready to meet Bianca & Co. for her "bachelorette" dinner. Don't laugh at our photos ... we were trying to master a pose. Doesn't Bianca look BEAUTIFUL?! I had to throw a cheer picture in there for good times sake.

Afterward, Chris had our Parents over for a BBQ while I got ready to meet Bianca & Co. for her "bachelorette" dinner. Don't laugh at our photos ... we were trying to master a pose. Doesn't Bianca look BEAUTIFUL?! I had to throw a cheer picture in there for good times sake.

Sunday morning, we had a lazy couple of hours before heading to Isabella's Girl Scout meeting. This meeting we donated Canned Food for the St. Paul Food Drive and Candy for the Troops Over Seas. Isabella earned her first two keys and did a fun Thankful craft.

Monday went by fast and then Tuesday morning was our 8th ANNIVERSARY!!
It was the sweetest most thoughtful thing because Isabella got herself up super early and surprised Chris and I with breakfast in bed. She brought it up on a tray. Two bowls of fruit loops, two pieces of toast, coffee for Chris and water for myself. We could not stop laughing later on because the milk had spilt on the toast that was also caked in butter and she made Chris decaf coffee (a little coffee with his creamer) in the Keurig. But she cleaned every bit of it up downstairs! I just love her heart. She is an amazing girl.
I got gorgeous red roses from my Love! We then got ready early and I took the kids with me to vote. Isabella again asked some wonderful questions about voting, the policy and who I was voting for. Vincent was sick, unfortunately and missed school but hung out with me all day. When Chris got home we made a wonderful dinner of Ahi Tuna steak, artichoke hearts, salad and shrimp cocktail. We decided early on to be nerds and watch the Election coverage that night. The Election ended up ruining my evening (my own fault for letting it get the best of me) and you all know my views on that.

Being married to my Husband for 8 years has been so wonderful. I could not imagine going through this journey with anyone else. He is my everything. I remember that beautiful day and those emotions like it were yesterday.
In other news.. I made these adorable invitations for Vincent's 4th Birthday. He is having it at a bouncy place called Party Kingdom that is decorated with animals and therefore a Safari fits the bill. The top right picture shows what happens when Mommy is working and Vincent would like to be in the same room and "help". He is exactly like his sister...loves to cut paper with scissors, to color and paint and to tie ribbon all around my office.
We have been doing our "THANKFULS" every night at dinner. Vincent was sick a couple of days with Diarrhea. One night at dinner when asked what he was thankful for, he very honestly said, "I am thankful for ...Toilet Paper!". Where would we be in the world without Toilet Paper? The very first thing Isabella said on November 1st was "God and Jesus". That swelled my heart.
I hope to teach my kids that when things don't go your way(and they wont a LOT of times) you can be angry and upset, but there is always going to be SOMETHING to be thankful for in your life!
Good night Y'all! Have a Blessed weekend!
You and B look FAB! Love your Thanks line, what a great idea!
Oh my love what a wonderful week of events. You and Bianca look flawless!
Toilet paper is great. I love the thanks line too, and should start one up. Have a great weekend!
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