After school on Friday we went to Daddy's work to sell some cookies! Vincent had to sit in time out because he was being too crazy for the bank. He settled down quickly though because he does not like to be in trouble! After he settled down he got to go behind the desks (where the vault is) with Daddy and Sissy - very happy smile there in the top picture!

After we were done there, I took Isabella with me while Vincent stayed awhile. Isabella and I ran into Rite Aide before going to Popi and Grammys. It was starting to drizzle and we ran by a lady who was homeless and crying. After we got back in the car, Isabella said that she sees a lot of people who don't have homes here and in Las Vegas. She told me that she would like to help these homeless people. That girl's heart is just so big. I have to think of something to do with her - maybe the blessing bags that Meagan did with her girls.
Yesterday we headed for Sushi and then to Papa Joe and Grammy Alice's house for the evening. The weekend went by WAY TOO FAST. Can it be Friday already, please? Have a good week all!
Yesterday we headed for Sushi and then to Papa Joe and Grammy Alice's house for the evening. The weekend went by WAY TOO FAST. Can it be Friday already, please? Have a good week all!