Boy did Isabella's Birthday go by in a blur! I think mainly because I was a sick Mama, but hopefully I made it special for my little girl and a year she will remember.
Thursday the 18th was her actual birthday! We started the day with our traditional "Birthday Toast". I had laid out a special outfit and flowers for the morning.

We then went and had breakfast with Grammy and Popi! She got to open her presents from them which included the new Saige American Girl and matching pajamas for her sleep over!

Friday during the day we got ready for Isabella's American Girl Sleepover. I let her take care of most of the set up; she did a great job and had so much fun. Each girl got a special made sleeping bag for their doll and sleeping masks.

The girls had an absolute blast. They sang and danced, watched a movie, ate snacks, had cake and opened presents, camped out in the living room and just had fun together. We only had one little girl go home about 12:30. The rest made it through!!!

Saturday morning we headed over to Grammy and Popi's house where we set up for the BBQ. Isabella, Jacob and Vincent did the swimming and we had fun celebrating!
Yea! Happy 8th Bella! What a wonderful time you all had celebrating your baby girl, lots of love!
Happy birthday! Looked wonderful!
Happy late birthday Bella! What a fun birthday party your mama threw!
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