October 15, 2008

Brother's Name!

Our baby shower for Brother was on Sunday. It was so awesome and beautiful!!! I feel so lucky that our child has so much love and support before he is even born. I am still gathering pictures from the shower, but I wanted to share with the people that couldn't make it what Brother's name will be...

Vincent Guy Calagna

...He is named after his Great-Grandpa Piraino (my mom's dad) and his Grandpa Hansen (my dad). And if I was a boy, my mom said she wanted to name me Guy Vincent. We can call him Vince, Vinny, Vin, and even lil' Guy. I am sure in our house we will mostly call him Brother!!


The Calagna Family said...

My friend Meagan caught me before I did this post. She left a sweet comment! THANKS Meagan!!:

Meagan Kenney said...
Okay, so I just saw the name...Vincent Guy...LOVE IT!!! Sounds successful! Like a doctor, attorney, or Mr. Wall Street! We miss you Bella Rose!

Sara said...

Love the blog change..so cute!!! It was a great time and whenever you give V-dog (so Derek) a bath think of the LEES!!

Sara said...

Oh and you guys will so still call him Brother! We do with Drew:)

The Titone - Perez Family said...

I love his name, and Sara is right, your new layout is darling. Your shower was perfect. I can't wait for Vincent to some. I want to love him so much. And maybe when I come to visit you in the hospital, I can change his poopy pants like I did Bella's. xoxoxo

Amanda Roe said...

Aw, I can't wait to meet little Vincent. Great name!