I haven't been blogging much because our laptop crashed. Perfect time to cross something off my 101 list, right? But I need that one fixed because it has all my pictures on it!! I really hope they can recover them. Anyhow, here are some recent pictures of our little Vinnie-boy! He is already six weeks old! Can you believe it? On his six week "birthday" he decided to roll over! I was pretty shocked. He was on the flat part of Moms couch and all of a sudden he was on his tummy.

He really is our little happy boy! He loves to smile and laugh when Mommy talks to him.

And here are a couple pictures of an
outing we took last week. I was bathing/dressing Vince and I came out of his room to show Daddy that he was ready to go in his very first Ball Cap! Daddy loved it, so I took a couple pictures when we arrived at the mall to shop!

His cheeks really aren't this chubby..he was wiggling around while I took the picture. Isn't it so cute though!

In other exciting Household news...We got our double stroller!!! Woo
Hoo! At first I picked out a Sit and Stand and Grammy bought it as one of Vincent's Christmas presents, but I wasn't "sold" on it. So, while we were at Babies R' Us the other day we finally found one I liked after Bella and I tried them all out. With the help of some gift cards (thanks!) we upgraded to this really awesome
Graco double stroller that is 20% smaller (that is why I didn't like the double strollers in the first place - so huge!). Isabella likes to sit like this with Vince on the front, but they can also sit Vice
Versa. WE LOVE IT! I still use my other stroller when I just have the boy. But I used this one to walk with some of the Moms from my group and to the park to meet Caitlin and the kids! Hopefully this thing will see lots of miles and help me loose lots of lbs!

That's Isabella eating her breakfast in the back :)

The kids at the park. Beauy is working hard to push Bella!

Mommy and Bella-girl.
I have that exact stroller and LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Yes, yes the sit n stand is giant! I already want another double jogger but Jim says 3 strollers are too many as it is!? What is he TALKING about? haha! Good job Vince on rolling over-you are early! At this rate you'll be walking at 9 months!
You and the kids are beautiful as usual. That boy of yours is an absolute doll.
I am going to get a Joovy Big Caboos triple stand!!! Yikes hun.
Try pushing the limo around and loading that sucker!Whoo-hoo!
I know what you mean though, by having to get one you like.
I love the stroller! Welcome to 'double stroller land!' I can not wait to see you in action pushing it while we go for a walk!! So funny how I have the matching carseat for baby:)
Oh Becky...I can not believe how fast Vincent is growing!! He is too cute for words!
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