September 2, 2010


I just thought this outfit was too cute not to take a picture :)

Every night before bed, Isabella goes into her closet and chooses what she wants to wear to school the next day.

And below is the chosen lunch bag for this year. We found the thermos cup at Target, but couldn't find the matching lunch bag. Amazon wanted to charge me $34.99. For a lunch bag, YA RIGHT! I finally found it at (But not in the store) for $10. A much better deal and it arrived yesterday! Isabella is so excited.
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Holly Lombardo said...

I LOVE the lunch bag!!! So glad you found it finally!

Meagan Kenney said...

That IS a cute lunch bag! But yeah, $24 is a bit much, glad you shopped around! Looks like Miss Isabella is enjoying getting dolled up for school! So cute!

terenjaxteegan said...

haha- LOVE the pose, it makes the outfit THAT much cuter.