September 6, 2010


I love my home.
I love days like today, when I laid on my couch with a book and felt the breeze through the open windows.
I love reading a book while my husband plays x-box. Just 'being' together doing things we both love is enough for me.
I love hearing my children playing together upstairs and laughing.
I love being able to take a nap if I feel like it.
I just love, being home.
I love the feeling of being able to relax.

There was a time when my anxiety was so bad that I would not let myself be home for a long period of time with the kids for fear something would happen to me. I couldn't let go. I couldn't relax. I would pace the house and think about the worst or make sure we were out and about doing something.

Thank God that time is gone and I am able to become the homebody that I have always been!
Thank God for a relaxing weekend that we were able to do noting much but be together!

(I read A Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult - highly recommend!!)


Munchie's Soap Box said...

love it! you just described what we do as often as we can :)......Change of Heart is gripping!

Holly Lombardo said...

I need to read that one! Gus and I do the exact same thing, me reading and him watching sports, our favorite Sunday passtime :) Glad you are feeling better these days and had a peaceful weekend!

terenjaxteegan said...

Need to read!