October 4, 2010

A little laugh...

Vincent has been horrible at sleeping lately. He has decided that he doesn't need naps anymore (HELLO, he isn't even TWO!) so he crawls out of bed and does whatever he pleases. Well today I laid him in Sissy's bed and told him he needed to go to sleep. I heard a little nose a few minutes later and I opened the door to find he had pulled over the stool, got Isabella's cowgirl hat from the closet rack and was riding Smores. He was having the best time and laughing away. Of course I had to quickly get my camera and Bella had to join the action. So nice to have a little smile and laugh in my day!

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terenjaxteegan said...

He is hilarious! Ride 'em VIN!

Munchie's Soap Box said...

he's sooo cute....but the part about no nap stinks! sorry....I dread that since Luke is my lil' sleeper...don't know what I'd do if there was no nap!.....Lilly still talks about Isabella's horse :)

Rebecca Titone said...

That is so cute! What a rascal! And I love that sissy joined in the fun. What a good sharer she is.

Meagan Kenney said...

That is the FUNNIEST thing ever! How can you get mad at him for not napping when he does stuff like this!? LOL!

Holly Lombardo said...

That pic of them together is the CUTEST! Framer for sure :)

Amanda Roe said...

What a little stinker!! But a cute stinker. Mia stopped napping at 2 but she did have "quiet time" after that.