October 19, 2010

My Day with Bubby

Today was a very trying day with my little man. Mind you, Isabella stayed home from school sick and I am feeling crappy as well. So here is what happened today...

1. Vincent draws on the wall and couch with purple dry erase pen. Mommy was in the office. He was suppose to be nicely watching cartoons. Thank goodness it came off.

2. Mommy goes upstairs to put away laundry. Vincent dumps a whole bottle of Bombay Sapphire on the carpet, in a margarita glass and all over himself. Thank goodness he didn't drink it.

3. Mommy goes back upstairs to run a load of laundry, clean the cat litter and straighten up rooms (Maybe 10 minutes). Vincent drags his chair into the pantry in order to reach higher. Dumps lots of spices, along with some bread, etc all over the pantry floor. Thank goodness he couldn't reach the medicine.

4. Vincent is suppose to take a nap. He gets out of his bed...I go to change him and he has diarrhea. Bella runs downstairs to get more wipes. I did not notice that the diarrhea went all the way up his back and so now there is a nice poop stain on his carpet where I laid him down to change him. Thank goodness for Holly being on Gmail chat just to tell her about the craziness!

5. Vincent gets out of his bed at least 4 more times before he actually takes a nap and is still fighting with Isabella. Thank goodness he actually DID take a nap where I got to sit on the couch and watch Wizards of Waverly Place with Isabella and my Days of Our Lives I had taped.

Looks like Terrible Twos have hit a little early in our house!!! Holy Smokes!

BUT today I am also thankful for hot tea in my witches cup, my pumpkin candle burning, the sound of rain which I love, my beautiful roses blooming and my parents getting home safely from Texas. There is always a bright side...


terenjaxteegan said...

The joys of being a mommy of a boy. =) So, I am told (I never had a girl). Hope you all feel better, I know it sucks!

terenjaxteegan said...

I meant being sick sucks, not being a mommy of a boy. xo

Holly Lombardo said...

Hope you had that glass of vino after you put those kiddos to bed last night! You are a champion mommy and I love that you posted what you are thankful for as well as the frustrations of the day. Hope you all are feeling better today!

Rebecca Titone said...

Boys are so rascally! Hope you all feel better too.
It makes everything worse when you are fatigued and still have to take care of people. xoxox

Munchie's Soap Box said...

oh man Beck! I love that you can still look at the bright side! U r an awesome mom :).....Just know that I'm right there with you going through the SAME things! hang in there friend :-)

lamisj said...

aww...poor Becky :( George does the same thing!!!

Meagan Kenney said...

lol! sorry don't mean to laugh...but I feel your pain! What craziness! The Bombay Saaphire literally made me lol! You're an awesome mommy! Love you!

Amanda Roe said...

What a little rascal! You'll look back one day and laugh but I know exactly how you were feeling in the moment. Hang in there mama!!