The first thing I thought when I saw Papa Joe out the door of my Moms was, "Where is the ramp?" and then it hit me there wouldn't be a ramp that day or any day in the future. My parents made Joe and Alice a really special cross that lights up and has a plaque with a special message about forever lighting our hearts- so that brought us tears. However the one it hit the most was our little Isabella. During Christmas Eve right after prayer (which brother David said and brought more tears), she began acting a little strange. She didn't want to eat and was acting withdrawn. We all took turns trying to get her to come out and be with the family. Finally she broke down and told me that she just really missed Uncle Nick. And it was true...when we all stand around my Mom and Dad's kitchen island to join hands every Holiday for prayer, this time two were missing and I think it finally hit Isabella. So I called in Daddy and we all had a good cry. Isabella's cousins came to the rescue and Sammy was a wonderful help reading The Christmas Story and helping to lift her spirits by opening presents with her. My favorite picture of the whole night is the picture of the 4 girls because I know how my little girl was feeling before that picture was taken.
But as awesome families do, we rallied around each other and ended up having a great Christmas Eve. We enjoyed our Italian food, had a Jack+D.Coke toast for Nick, drank Pomegranate Martinis (Me, Amy and Alice), sang Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus, and just celebrated each other.

On Christmas morning, one child was so excited and one child was super sleepy! But once Vincent "woke up" the energy was so much fun. They had a great time opening all of their presents!!

Our family came over around 2. The kids got to open some more wonderful gifts. Isabella got a beautiful pair of earrings to treasure always from her Uncle Nick. We had a yummy Christmas dinner (Whiskey Chicken by request of my Husband, Sweet Potato Casserole, Roasted Veggies and Biscuits) and again, just enjoyed each other.

And do you know what happened after all of the excitement of Vegas, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? We got hit by the flu bug. Jenny and Rylie were sick on Christmas Eve. All Sunday Night, Isabella was throwing up and into Monday. That day Camryn and Frank were also sick. I still had my cold and cough and thought for sure a flu bug wouldn't go on top of that. Well, all Monday night I was throwing up and into yesterday. Amy was sick at the same time. And now all today Vincent has been throwing up. I just got an email that my Husband wasn't feeling well and would be heading home soon. Lord help us!! I will say, on the bright side of things, at least it didn't hit until AFTER Christmas and it seems to only be a 24 hour thing. My cough remains, so I will be headed to the Dr. sometime for that. Over 3 weeks is NOT cool!
Love to all and we hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!!
1 comment:
Hang in there friend! Your spirit shines through and the Lord's love will get you all through it. Much love to you and your beautiful family. xoxo
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