January 9, 2014

Christmas Rewind : Gatherings

First we had our Piraino Christmas Gathering at Mom and Dad's house! So much fun but I fell down on my Historian job and only got a few (not wonderful) pictures below. It was the first time a lot of them had met the Twins!
We had a Girls' Tea Party at Mrs. Toher's house! Isabella had the best time and I loved chatting with the Moms. Aren't these girls the cutest!
Friday (last day of school before the break) we were all dressed and ready for the fun Christmas parties!
I was lucky enough to be able to help at both Isabella and Vincent's class parties!

Of course we had a coloring, Pajamas and Hot Cocoa night - One of my very favorites!
The Monday morning of break, we had some girlfriends over for Breakfast and Hot Cocoa. The girls played a game, did a book exchange with used books and just had a blast.
Coming up...Christmas Eve & Christmas pictures!

1 comment:

Amanda Roe said...

Just went through and caught up on your lives, loved seeing all your activities. Miss you tons and hopefully we'll get a chance to see each other this year. XOXO