March 12, 2008

The American Dream? Or Being a SNOB?

Since high school I have had to deal with the uttering of this word, "snob", by those who did not know me. And as it appears, even though I am 10 years out of high school, the word still haunts me! In high school it was because my brother played professional baseball and we lived in a big house on the hill. And now I am called a snob because I live in a nice house, my husband is successful, I have a Master's Degree and run my own companies. But, I ask you? Why should my Dad feel bad for working HARD his whole life to be successful and provide for his family? Why should Chris and I feel bad for working hard and driving toward a successful future for our family? People strive, but for what? The American Dream or to be called Snobby? I did a little research... The definition of a SNOB is as follows: 1. a person who imitates, cultivates, or slavishly admires social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others. 2. a person who believes himself or herself an expert or connoisseur in a given field and is condescending toward or disdainful of those who hold other opinions or have different tastes regarding this field: a musical snob. 3. one who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors. 4. one who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect. 5. a person who admires people of high rank or social class, and despises those in a lower class etc than himself.
Again...I ask you in all honesty...Do those words I highlighted describe ME? Am I ever condescending or overbearing to others? Do I tend to patronize or ignore people who are inferior? Do I even think anyone is inferior to me? Oh Lord, it is SO FRUSTRATING to say the least. My parents taught me at an early age that it doesn't matter what people have or don't have, be nice to everyone and people will like you for who you are in return. I pride myself on being nice to anyone who is working that I come in contact with. I pride myself on saying hi to strangers that I pass when I am on a walk. I treat people who are helping me with the events I produce as equals. Everyone works hard in this world and I know that! I was always so relieved when people in High School would say, 'Wow, I thought you were a snob but then when I met you I realized that you were nice.'
So friends...I know there are so many worse things you can be than a snob, like someone who tells lies, but to me this is just as offensive, since I have spent my life just trying to be "me" and be a nice person.


The Titone - Perez Family said...

I am truly disturbed that anyone could frame you in that light. I have known you many years now, and feel you are one of my closest and dearest friends. You have treated me with love and respect, and your family and husband have been welcoming and thoughtful to me.
I am angered at the immaturity of others that are offending you, and hope they start acting like adults instead of school girls in high school. Much love to you.

Bianca said...
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Bianca said...

I was soooo mad the first one had a type-o!!

People that truly know who you are would know that this name couldn’t be farther from the truth. Being friends with you since 10th grade, I think I can speak to this pretty well as I have been around you and your family for many, many great years. I think anyone who would say such things is just projecting their own insecurity and should take a look in the mirror. Anyone who would say such things to a person or about a person to another are not friends, and are hardly worth any of your precious time. Surround yourself with the ones that love you and you love and the ones that bring this ugliness to your life will fade out of sight...