October 2, 2010

10 Things To Smile About

My friend Kristi (my Sorority Big Sis actually) did a really nice post on her blog. She decided to do a monthly "10 things to smile about" list. I am now borrowing that idea from her :) I think life gets so busy that we forget to sit down and be thankful for the every day things that make us smile and feel blessed. So, here are my...

10 Things that made me smile in September
(in no particular order)...
1. Isabella reciting the Pledge of Allegiance + Dinner time prayers.
2. Fall Decorations + leaving the windows open to feel the breeze.
3. Friday BBQ Family Dinners with Grammy and Popi (instead of going out).
4. Women's Mystery Club books.
5. Finding a friend of my sister's, Serchya, whose daughter goes to school at Wickman and since finding out she lives in walking distance just a few houses away!
6. Sticking to my blogging goal for RCE.
7. UCLA, Rams + Bears Win!
8. Pictures of sweet Baby Ella (making me want a 3rd baby even more).
9. Vincent repeating nearly everything we say + loving Barney.
10. Vincent carrying around a purse and wearing dress up shoes (anything to be just like Sister).


Meagan Kenney said...

I like this blogging idea! How cute! I ESPECIALLY like #8. I DEFINITELY think you should follow through with that one ;) xo

Amanda Roe said...

OMG I just teared up seeing my sweet babe made your top 10 list for the month. Go for 3 - how much more work could it be than 2? ;)
