October 10, 2010

Cousin Jake Turns 7!

This afternoon we headed to San Clemente for Cousin Jake's 7th Birthday party! It was a football party, so of course my family of 4 dressed in our gear even though both our teams ended their winning streak. The kids had a great time playing at the park, playing a game of football and just hanging around.

I have been putting off the grocery store for a long time, so after we got home, I headed to the store and spent at least an hour and a half loading up the cart. Now to just catch up on cleaning and laundry tomorrow. I am excited to have my Hubby home all week, except Tuesday. Also, send up a few prayers for my Brother...he is interviewing for the "Big League" Hitting Coach job for the Diamondbacks on Tuesday (right now he is the roving Minor League Hitting Coach). This would be wonderful news for their family!
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Amanda Roe said...

What a fun day at the park. The kids looks so cute in their football gear. Good luck to your bro - I hope he gets it and then you can make more trips to AZ in the future :)

Munchie's Soap Box said...

Way to go Bella catching that ball! I'm impressed :)....Good luck to your brother!

Meagan Kenney said...

Oh that would be a fabulous job! Would they be moving here? Everybody looks so cute in the pics!

terenjaxteegan said...

WOW JAKE! I remember him at your wedding as a wee little baby. And prayer up for brother!!!