October 10, 2010

Family Fun - Too!

Last night was a reception for Ryan (family friend who Chris and Nick grew up with and the son of Alice's best friend, Jerilyn) and Janelle. They got married last weekend in Visalia/Three Rivers area and we (the 4 of us) could not make it - Grammy Alice, Papa Joe and Uncle Nick went because Nick was in the wedding. Anyhow, we had a great time last night. I think Isabella had the best time of us all...she did the dollar dance, learned a new routine, played with friends and danced away with the Bride (they are BFFs now because Janelle wore Cowgirl boots under her dress - she made the dress, by the way!). Us adults had fun chatting with friends and drinking wine. Both kids stayed up past 10...makes for tired babies today! Now, off to Cousin Jakey's birthday party!
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Munchie's Soap Box said...

what a beautiful dress! looks like u guys had an awesome weekend :)

terenjaxteegan said...

Check her out! Making a wedding dress is a lot of work! WOW!