It reminds me of my Mom whom I always remember brushing her hair and putting on lipstick before my Dad would get home. And I certainly love the prayer at the bottom. I am going to print it and keep it handy!....
This is a post I wrote well over a year ago, right after my youngest was born. With having a new baby and still recovering from a complicated c-section and the additional problems I had, it was very difficult to get back into my old routine. That means that on some days I wouldn’t even realize how fast time went by. That is why I wrote this post late one night while up with the little one. I thought maybe other moms had gone through this and need a quick solution.
I know that one too many times my husband would come home to find me in complete disarray. A newborn will do that to you. I’d have my hair bobby pinned to my head to keep it out of my eyes, no make-up – well unless you count the juice mustache, and an ensemble of clothes that don’t match because I don’t clean the house and paint furniture in “good” clothes for fear that I will mess them up. So, after a stark realization that I could fix this problem with just 10 minutes a day, I took action. Here is what I started to do on days like that:
1. Have the hubby call when he is about to leave the office/job. This gives me about 20-30 minutes to call a “ten minute tidy” for the kids to clean up the house and I have time to wrap up whatever I am doing so I can get to my 10 minute makeover!
This is a post I wrote well over a year ago, right after my youngest was born. With having a new baby and still recovering from a complicated c-section and the additional problems I had, it was very difficult to get back into my old routine. That means that on some days I wouldn’t even realize how fast time went by. That is why I wrote this post late one night while up with the little one. I thought maybe other moms had gone through this and need a quick solution.
I know that one too many times my husband would come home to find me in complete disarray. A newborn will do that to you. I’d have my hair bobby pinned to my head to keep it out of my eyes, no make-up – well unless you count the juice mustache, and an ensemble of clothes that don’t match because I don’t clean the house and paint furniture in “good” clothes for fear that I will mess them up. So, after a stark realization that I could fix this problem with just 10 minutes a day, I took action. Here is what I started to do on days like that:
1. Have the hubby call when he is about to leave the office/job. This gives me about 20-30 minutes to call a “ten minute tidy” for the kids to clean up the house and I have time to wrap up whatever I am doing so I can get to my 10 minute makeover!
2. Change clothes. A nice t-shirt and a pair of jeans are better than a paint stained t-shirt and jogging pants any day.
3. Put on a dab of perfume. Wake up your senses and his!
4. Brush your teeth. You will be surprised at how much better you will feel. And no, I don’t go all day without brushing my teeth. I mean brush them again.
5. Put your face on. My day to day make-up routine consists of a tinted moisturizer, eyeliner, eyelash curler, blush to go on the cheeks and eyelids, and lip gloss. That’s it. Less than a minute and I’m done. If you aren’t a make-up kind of gal then just put on some chap stick and rub your cheeks a bit to make them rosey. Something that simple makes a huge difference.
6. Fix your hair. Just brush it, flip it over and shake to add body, and spray where needed. If your hair tends to get oily throughout the day (I know pregnancy tends to do that to me) then try adding a bit if baby powder to your brush prior to brushing (focusing on the roots) and that will remove some of the oil. If you have darker hair then spray the roots with hairspray and then wipe with a dry towel. The alcohol in the spray will absorb the oils.
7. Say a quick prayer. Here is an example of the prayer I began to pray before my husband gets home:
Father, I thank you for this wonderful day, the man of God that you have given me, and for the joyous evening we are about to have. I ask for the safe return of my husband and I ask that you would help him to leave at the front door any thoughts or moods that are not of you and that are not beneficial to our family and our home. I pray that when he opens the door to our home and sees me standing their that he will rejoice in the wife of his youth and that he will show me the same kind of love that Christ showed the church. I pray that I will be the crown of my husband and love and respect him as I should. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
There you have it. My 10 minute, 7 step routine to being the beauty that he already knows you are inside. What are some of your tips? I’d love to hear them!
1 comment:
Love it! April and I had several conversations about getting up and ready even if you are home all day. This is a great reminder of who we are whether we are at home or at the office all day! Some days Gus comes home and asks "why are you still in your work clothes?" I dont have the heart to tell him that PJ's at 6pm aren't doing me good, hahaha! Also on a sidenote my new rule is if I'm gonna change when i get home its into my workout gear AND shoes, that way i get my booty movin after the Tot goes to bed!
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