Sunday night we had a 'DANCE PARTY' in the living room with the 4 of us. Bet you wish you could see pictures of that (LOL!) but I didn't take any! We rocked out to Isabella's CD player! On Monday morning both Chris and I woke up to Toast on our nightstands from Miss Isabella. She is such a big girl waking up on her own and making us breakfast! We then surprised the kids and took them to see Smurfs. We went over to the Calagnas' for dinner afterwards!
Tuesday we stayed home because Isabella had soccer practice, but she made muffins all by herself (which was something she wanted to do). And despite Daddy and I feeling sick, he took her to practice because she was so excited to have him take her rather than Mommy.

Today we had reservations at American Girl Cafe for lunch. Even Daddy and Vin joined was so special to have them there. Isn't it adorable that we brought Bella's boy doll for Vincent! Isabella got her doll's ears pierced and now they really are twins. She also got a doll size travel suitcase (you know, for the doll's trip around the World!)

As we were leaving the American Girl store, the most exciting thing happened. Isabella said, "MOM! That looks like the character CiCi!" Of course I knew who that was from Shake It Up! and it definitely was her. So I held the door open for her and she stopped and said Hi to Isabella and then took her picture with her!! She was so sweet and adorable. Come to find out, she is also Bella in real life! And she probably thought I was actually calling her name but hey...It made my Daughter's summer and mine too!
how is it possible that Bella gets more beautiful everyday! seriously Beck...she's gorgeous! like here Mama xoxo
ps glad u guys are enjoying ur last days of summer
So fun! Glad everyone was able to join in.
PS. please hold on to that picture of Vin sipping tea for the future! Too funny
I love love love the pics of Isabella baking! I think she's going to be so good in the kitchen...better than I am now! Seriously! She looks too cute with her hair short too!
<3 all your summer fun updates!
How fun that Bella got to meet Cici. I have to take the girls to American Girl, they would love it. Hope you're feeling better, we've been battling germs since schools has started, it's just too hot to be sick.
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