On the drive home Isabella said, "That felt like the worst first practice ever!". Bless her heart...I cried. Then I got myself together and told her I was so proud of her for trying a new sport she has never played a single time. I encouraged her by talking about how fast and much she ran!
She was only one of two that hadn't played soccer before. While she gets the general concept, she doesn't have a skill set yet. And they didn't take too much time working on those skills. They ran SO MUCH up hills and down, back and forth that she was 'breathing crazy' (her words). She fell down A LOT (enough where she told me her knees hurt - I didn't even think to buy shin guards), and she cried because the girls were 'getting on her' about using her hands. She wouldn't even talk to Grammy and Pop about it when they called to ask. BUT ... I know my little girl will be okay. She is brave and she will get her booty out there and practice on Thursday. She will make friends and she will have a good time...Eventually!
Mommy loves you Miss Isabella Rose....I know this will make you a stronger individual!
Hang in there Becky. Almost all of Lilly's soccer practices have been like that and she's played two seasons...they are still little and it's not about how "good" they are but about team work, personal perseverance and being physically active. Personally that is why I love soccer because it keeps the kids running! lol
:( you are such a good mommy, love your words of encouragement for her. She is a fast learner and she will be scoring goals in no time!
:( Bella, I think you're awesome at whatever you do! I am proud of you for trying soccer and giving it your all! Can't wait to see pictures of your first goal at a game! Becky, you're an amazing mama!
Kids can be so mean, she will get it. Kids are even tough on Teegan's team, and he is 3!!!! You are a good mama though, and Miss Bella is loved by many!
Hopefully she will make some good friends on her team and it will be fun for her. It's always hard to watch your child struggle with something but it will make her stronger. She's so sweet!
Boo to practicing like everyone has played before! And on the first practice. It should have been a warm up! They are only 6 for crying out loud!
She'll do great the next practice, and by the 1st game she'll have it all down! =)
Kiss her for me for being so brave! Beau has had a couple of "worst" practices, luckily they get better!
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