This weekend marked three big things. 1. The wedding I have been working on for many months, 2. Annual Family pictures and 3. Our 7th Anniversary!!!
The wedding went awesome.
I can not complain one bit. My assistants were amazing and the Bride/Groom and family were so thankful that it made it all worthwhile. I don't have many pictures, but Christy was snapping away with her phone and I know will email those to me.
Sunday morning I woke up very tired, but my Husband had laid out red roses, a wonderful card and a gorgeous Blue Topaz necklace (Vincent's birthstone). Then I felt guilty because we don't get each other presents for our Anniversary, as we usually just take a weekend away. But being the awesome man he is, said that I deserve a special present.
It was pouring and I wasn't sure about our family pictures, but the rain held out in Balboa and we were able to get those done. The Fun Zone wasn't very fun without the carousel or the ferris wheel running, but I am sure Laura got some awesome pics since she always does.
This is what my Bianca text me (with some more that made me tear): 7 years ago you took pics in your wedding gown at the start of your family and 7 years later pics with your family! It was perfect...and I couldn't imagine a better 7 years.
We then had dinner with our family! And drove to Papa Joe's to watch the football game that Chris taped. We got home late and so ended our weekend!
Today was left for doing laundry, dishes, cleaning the kids rooms and straightening up. Also, one of the perks of working weddings are the awesome flowers. I have them everywhere in my house!! I am looking forward to a laid back kinda week to catch up and relax.