I did not get any wonderful pictures (so disappointed with this camera), but we had such a fun, fun time this year. When Bella got home from school we watched Spooky Buddies, she made corn bread, and we carved pumpkins. Then our guests arrived! Both kids were so excited to go out and get treats. Isabella ran ahead with her BFF Kendal and "the Boys". Vincent lagged behind because his costume was a bit of a problem, but he had the best time! Hope everyone had a blast. Is anyone having as much trouble as I am 'getting it together' this morning?
Looks like you guys had so much fun! Again, their costumes are so great! And I too have had a hard time getting it together today. It's already November! I have so much to do and I should have done housework today but spent 1/2 the morning on PInterest looking for pumpkin topiary ideas then of course had to create the topiary. Scrubbing bath tubs will have to wait until tomorrow. Happy November Calagnas! xoxo
Their costumes are so cute! I love them. Sounds like a fun busy Halloween in the Calagna household :)
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