July 23, 2008

Bella's Birthday!

Isabella had a wonderful birthday on Friday! We woke her up singing Happy Birthday with our traditional Birthday Toast. It was early, so she was a sleepy head! After our doctor appointment Grammy and Mommy took her to Chuck E Cheeses. She found out she is big enough to climb on the ceiling tunnels and go down the slide, so she had a great time doing that. She got to pick out her very own birthday cake and then we went back to Grammy's to play until Daddy and Papa got home. Daddy brought her a Slurpee and Papa brought her balloons...such a special girl! Then we met the rest of the Calagnas at BJs for our traditional pizza dinner on her actual birthday (this is because they had a pizza party in the hospital room when I was in labor), except the Birthday Girl was so tired that she slept through dinner! She woke up at home and we had her birthday cake and opened a couple of presents! She had a great day!


Caitlin Rodriguez said...

Looks like it was a great Birthday, and a she had a great party day too! Lucky girl!

Meagan Kenney said...

What a cute little cake for a cute little girl!