July 1, 2008

The World of Panties!

Miss Isabella Rose has officially made it to the world of panties and is now a potty trained Big Girl!

Last night she was upstairs playing in her room, while Chris and I were downstairs. I heard her call me, "Mommy, I went Poo-Poo!"....My first thought, "CRAP" (no pun intended)...."Where Bella?"...."In the Potty!" (She answered with her "Duh Mom" attitude). She had taken a stool from her art table and climbed up on the big potty (she usually goes in her little potty downstairs) and went poo-poo. She had already flushed it, but I could tell by the way her panties were pulled up and she didn't wipe fully. Ha/Ha. She was so proud of herself, and I was too so I made a big deal about it! "You are my big girl Isabella!!"..."Yes, I am a Big Girl!".

It's the little things that make us proud! And of course, Mommy will only have one set of diapers to change come December! WoooHooo!