March 14, 2012

Garden, Garden...

PLEASE GROW!!!!!!!!!

On Monday when our friend Kendal was over playing, we planted Isabella's garden! I have been wanting to do it for some time. Over the weekend I weeded everything out, put a brick edge around and built it up with dirt. I am hoping this will help with the growth. The kids had a great time planting and watering.

I also planted my "herb garden" yesterday. I am very excited about it and really hope they grow also! Wish up luck...

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Meagan Kenney said...

Oh, how fun! And I love the little pots you are growing your herb garden in! So cute! Make sure there are holes in the bottom of the pots for drainage though. I have learned the hard way :( Just have Chris drill some holes if there aren't any. hugs and kisses!

Rebecca Titone said...

The garden is going to come up fast with the good rain water coming this weekend! Can't wait to watch it's progress.

Meagan Kenney said...'s been 11 days w/o a blog post. Are you alive? Love you! xoxo