March 26, 2012

Here WE are!

My dear friend Meagan wrote a comment on the last blog letting me know it had been 11 days since I posted and asking if I was alive. Thank you for checking on me, my friend! Yes, we are alive and well. But somehow moving in fast forward.

Let me start by updating you here. Friday the 16th, we went to Grammy and Popi's house for our traditional Friday night dinner. Isabella decided that she wanted to make a Leprechaun trap. That girl put so much time, effort and detail into her trap that I must say she is definitely her "Mother's Daughter!". With a trap, comes a little green man reeking havoc, right? That he did. Turned the toilet green, chairs upside down, green milk and juice, wrote on the door to the patio, "Ha-Ha. Try Again" (which is still trying to come off), and took the coins but lost his hat in the mean time. It was so much fun and the kids couldn't believe it.

Unfortunately our softball game was rained out that morning. Gram and Pop came over for breakfast and that afternoon we headed to Papa Joe and Grammy Alice's for Corn Beef & Cabbage!

The next morning, Aunt Amy and I hosted a Scentsy, Lia Sophia and ThirtyOne party @ Grammy Nancy's house. I loved everything. I loved the Thirty One product so much that I decided to become a Consultant. More on that later!


Last Wednesday was Popi Guy's 65th Birthday! Vincent and I picked up Grammy and headed to AW for a surprise visit and lunch. We then headed home for softball practice and back to Mom and Dad's for family dinner. It was such a fun day celebrating Popi and seeing the smile on his face!Worth every bit of the miles I logged!

On Friday, Miss Isabella had a school performance called "A Tribute To Moms!" We invited our Grammies to go with us. I won't try to fool you - I cried! I love that little girl more than anything. Vincent was a little jealous when I put the flower corsage on that Isabella made me. He kept saying, "But you are MY Mom!". And I would explain, "Yes, but I am Sissy's Mommy too!" We then had a great breakfast together!

This weekend we had several events that I forgot to bring my camera too. First off, we had a bye in Softball, so unfortunately, no game. However it worked out perfect because we had Melanie's baby shower on Saturday morning. It was absolutely adorable and I enjoyed seeing all of the little clothes and the happy look on Mel's face! Piper and Phoebe are going to have one wonderful Mama! After the shower, Caitlin and I visited Rebecca and new baby Emilia Sabrina. She is adorable and I just loved holding a tiny newborn. Yesterday we had dinner for Cousin Jon's 10th Birthday! We braved the rain and had fun visiting with our family.

I wanted to leave you with pictures of two recent projects. I created my own Prayer board that now hangs downstairs. I write the things I am praying for at the moment: Yes, that says "spending habits" and "Isabella's behavior"! I never claimed to be perfect. HaHa. Also pictured is our super cool ruler growth chart that was made with some help from Popi. It says "Calagna Supply Co." and I love it.

SO, as you can tell there is never a dull moment in the Calagna Household. I am hoping that everyone is doing well and that you all have a blessed week!!


Munchie's Soap Box said...

I love your blog! I look forward to seeing what you guys are up to since we never seem to have the same schedules! Love the projects too :) xoxo

terenjaxteegan said...

Haha! Love the footprints on the potty! So cute, a Mom's Day Celebration, I adore stuff like that. Loved seeing you this weekend!PS- Don't forget your eye cream. ;)

Meagan Kenney said...

OK #1, glad you're alive! #2 the leprechaun thing was awesome! So cute!!! Totally stealing that next year!

And I feel better, I am sure you don't- but I am kind of relieved...Bella has behavior issues too? Maybe it's the age? Madeline had the worst attitude lately. It's just awful! I am scared for the teen years!

And the growth thing your Dad made is amazing! I remember he did Bella's furniture in her room too. Quite a talent he's got there! Love you!

Holly Lombardo said...

<3 it all!

Amanda Roe said...

I have never heard of this leprechaun catching thing until this year. Too bad my Mia got so freaked out about leprechauns because her teacher googled it in class and some scary images came up!! Maybe she'll be over that trauma by next year. your toilet seat is so cute!

I love the growth ruler, that is so neat! Great job.