March 9, 2012


Life has been a whirlwind of Softball practice and games, CCD, Girl Scout meetings, delivering Girl Scout cookies, School, dealing with customer drama, putting together some orders and visiting with friends.
I don't think that I mentioned Isabella sold the most girl scout cookies in her troop - 280 boxes!!!! So proud of my girl and hopefully she will get a special badge for that.
Let's see what else has been going on: 
I spent some time out in Isabella's garden weeding and getting it ready to plant - I also planted around my fountain. Now I am on to the other planter beds in the backyard that are in need of some attention.
I have been trying to read more than being on the computer. I am hooked on these awesome books by Karen Kingsbury - Christian Fiction. I am just about finished with the 4th book in the series moving on to the 5th.  My husband said, "Don't you think that is a problem? You just bought those!" Haha. But it has been so nice to sit and read.
Yesterday afternoon we headed to Disneyland to meet Isabella's friends. We had a blast and the kids couldn't wait to tell Daddy about seeing Goofy when he got home. Looking forward to our next trip!

I hope everyone is having a blessed week and enjoying the weather! xo

1 comment:

Munchie's Soap Box said...

aw! they look like they are having so much fun w/ the passes! is Isabella doing her first communion this year? or next? hope you have a great weekend! xoxo