Thursday after swim we dropped the kids off at Papa Joe's and Grammy Alice's house. When we went to leave, Chris' car would not start. We got it jumped and all was good. Well, Chris decided to do the mature thing and we stopped at Sears in Victorville on our way to get a new battery. The guy said we were the second car in line and that car would probably take 30 minutes. No big deal! We walked around the mall, got a snack and walked back. We had still not got a call on Chris' phone and that was about an hour later. Well, it took THREE hours!!!! For a car battery. It was ridiculous! We were so sad that this was cutting in to our first night away.

But on the drive to Vegas we enjoyed each other's company and got to relax without worrying if the car was going to start when we went to go home. We stayed at the Bellagio (where we got engaged). I can honestly say walking by the conservatory makes me smile and my heart happy every time. It was gorgeous as usual...

Friday afternoon we ate lunch at Cheesecake factory. Yum! On Friday night after a lot of shopping done by me and gambling done by Chris, we ate sushi and then headed to the Piano bar and Cigar lounge in the Paris hotel. We loved it.

Chris lightin' up his cigar and me with my martini.

Saturday was Chris' bday. We woke up early and made our way to the Ventian to eat at Grand Luxe. Our favorite restaurant. Here is Chris so happy that Isabella and Poppi called to sing him Happy Birthday.

I had to take this picture. Wouldn't it be gorgeous for a wedding (on a smaller scale)!

I got to read Mommywood! LOVE TORI!

That night we went to a nice dinner at BOA Steakhouse and then to see LOVE!

We missed our kids, but really had a wonderful time together. When we drove to pick them up, we had a nice family bbq and swimming for Chris' bday and Aunt Amy's bday. Grammy and Popi made yummy food and the Calagnas were able to join us! Happy Birthday Chris and Amy!
Awwwww. These made me smile. I am so glad you two got away for a mommy and daddy weekend and had fun! Happy Birthday Chris. Love ya! AND to Amy too!!!!
Happy Birthday Chris, again:) Glad to see you guys had a great time!!
Happy Bday Chris! So happy you two had a good time! Glad you got to read Mommywood-I love Tori, too!
How fun! Sorry about the car battery :( I have yet to try Grand Luxe-we have one right by us. Jim's eaten there-but not me! Happy birthday to Chris!
What a beautiful couple! Happy birthday to Chris! Glad you both had a great time. You both deserve it! xoxo
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