February 2, 2010

Back to Ballet

Today was our first afternoon back to Ballet through the city. I found out last week that Mikayla and Lauren were in the class and Isabella always mentions doing Ballet again, so here we are!! I just signed her up yesterday and ran around buying new ballet and tap shoes and a new outfit since she outgrew all of her others! They do say "when it rains, it pours". My house should be flooded right about now. I am right in the midst of getting information together for our candy buffet section of RCE (thank you to Bianca for helping me out on this), cleaning up from the bridal show, getting an invitation - thank you - and candy container order ready for this weekend to be delivered (really I want to deliver it Friday but hopes of that are dwindling since I just began printing), I ordered a new website template for RCE which I will be doing all the work on, Mary Poppins is tomorrow night...not to mention taking care of two WONDERFUL children, the house and so forth. Oh, and our Fridge broke, so that repair man is coming on Thursday. I am not complaining, honestly. Just stressful eating...no wonder I am not loosing any weight!! I truly hope that I get LOTS of business from the bridal show and after all this hard work is done I can catch up on some projects around the house and be back on track. What was that rambling all about?? Ha-Ha. Enjoy the ballet pictures...

Lauren, Mikayla and Isabella
She was so happy to be back with Ms. DeeDee
Vincent kept looking at me and grinning.

She had the best time.

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Bianca said...

It's all going to pay off, I just KNOW IT!

Love Bella in her Ballet outfit! So Cute!


Meagan Kenney said...

Cute Ballet clothes! We're going to Mary Poppins on the 21st!

Munchie's Soap Box said...

I'm tired just reading your to do list! But it DOES all sound fun and worth it! Please tell Bella that Lilly thinks she looks like a beautiful ballerina :) let's catch up when things slow down...good luck this weekend!