August 30, 2010

First Day!

Today was the first day of Kindergarten. Isabella is in Mrs. Bain's PM class. She starts every day at 11:35, except today where we took her at 10:30 for Orientation. Daddy took the morning off and joined us as school. Alice and Joe watched Vincent so we could give our attention to Isabella and make it special for her.

We had an assembly with the Principal (Mr. C) and then he shook the hand of every Kindergartener at school before they went to meet their teacher. Adorable! We then went into the classroom, did some centers with Isabella and got to get situated with her classroom.
Our Kindergartener meeting Mr. C and Mrs. Bain. Mrs. Bain is super sweet and I know Isabella is going to have a wonderful year. Here is to the start of her school career as a Wickman Wildcat!

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1 comment:

Meagan Kenney said...

Looks like Bella had a great first day! Can you believe she's in Kindergarten already?