This week we have been getting ready for Isabella to head to Kindergarten on MONDAY (tear, tear)! She asked if we could clean out her closet and give away her old clothes/shoes to other kids who need them. She kept calling it 'dominate', but I gently kept reminding her the word is 'donate'. Such a sweet girl. We cleaned out her closet, and below are ALL her new school clothes. We also went through and organized all her bows. We made a trip to Claire's for a few new ones (like she needed them), Target for a couple new pairs of shoes and Gymboree to exchange a few things from Grammy (Thanks Mom!). Her lunch pail is on its way from Toys R Us (Target didn't have the one that matched her thermos cup).
Yesterday, we decided to surprise Popi at work! We picked up Grammy in the morning and headed over to A-W! There are a couple new employees that I wanted to meet (to put a face to a name!). Popi was surprised and we had a yummy lunch together. Isabella then had a sleepover! They took her to get her bangs trimmed at Uncle Soner and Aunt Amy's house and to have pie for dessert!
And today we decided to go to Daddy's work and have lunch together! We had another yummy lunch! The reason we decided to do both of these lunches is because Isabella is in PM Kindergarten and gets out at 2:55 every day except Thursday when she gets out at 12:35. So we wanted to fit the lunches in before we couldn't do that for the school year.
We are all ready!! Time to pick out a first day outfit :)
I was wondering where you have been!!! Got your message late last night, hope you are having a great weekend!
Makes me wanna cry. Geesh I am an emotional wreck lately! haha. Love all the new school clothes, she will for sure be the best dressed kinder kid on the playground. =)
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