December 9, 2010

Christmas Lights

Daddy had a Christmas party to attend tonight, so the kids and I are on our own. We had a fun play date at the park this afternoon w/ our neighbors and since I finished up some work I needed to do while Vincent was napping, we decided it would be a perfect night to make our first Christmas-light outing.

Here we are heading out...pajamas and dirty faces!

It was so fun to hear the kids "ooh and ahh" over all of the lights we found in our neighborhoods. Vincent would say, "OH, PRETTY!" and Bella would say "SWEET!!".

We have also been continuing our Christmas book a day! Here is Bella deciding what to pick. Now, all is quiet... Vincent is asleep, Isabella is watching the "Upside Down Show", I have my cup of Tea while making Reindeer Munch (aka Monster Munch) for two parties this weekend and we are waiting for Daddy to get home! A fab weekend to all...


Rebecca Titone said...

We love looking at Christmas lights! We have been 2 times already. And Christmas books are a favorite here too this year!

Meagan Kenney said...

Whoa! That 2nd house was decked out! Glad you guys have insilled the Christmas book fun!, isn't it? I think you should blog the Reindeer Munch recipe ;) xo