December 20, 2010

Cold, Cold...Go Away!

This morning, Miss Isabella was watching a movie in her bed while I was downstairs with Vincent. Well, I went upstairs to check on her and I found her sitting on her floor coloring with the Kleenex box and the trash can right next to her. I don't know why it struck me as so funny, but I guess because it was pretty smart. That way she didn't have to keep getting up! I hope her cold and cough go away before our big Christmas weekend!
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Meagan Kenney said...

Hope she's feeling better soon! And do you change her bedding for the holidays???? I don't see her red toile... :)

Holly Lombardo said...

Ok that is the cutest picture!!! And what a smart girl hahaha!

terenjaxteegan said...

Hahahahahahaha! Smart smart smart.