Well, the Popcorn costume was a TOTAL debacle. The first thing Vincent did since he was so excited to wear it was break a strap getting into it. So we were down to one strap and it ended up being too long. It was originally too short, then I fixed it and of course it ended up being too long (the Box should sit up higher). Then, he was very excited to take pictures and plopped himself down (he usually takes pictures sitting, but this costumes doesn't do sitting)...It makes the loudest cracking sound and I freaked because I thought it broke. I pick him up and he gets mad at me, so he starts ripping popcorn off his costume. His hat keeps falling off...Oh My Gosh!! Every time he smiled he would close his eyes. The lady was goofing around with him to get him to smile. Well, you can't really do that with Vincent because he won't sit still then. He wants to goof back. HA HA HA HA! The lady even had to call maintenance in after we were done to vacuum up all the popcorn. In my defense, I did ask if she had a broom because I was going to sweep it up myself.
But all in all, they turned out cute and once again I will have the memories, just like last year with the Beast costume. Isabella looks darling! And I just have some hot gluing to do before Halloween night. :)

Teegs new thing is smiling so cheesy and looking to the side rather than the camera. So not looking fwd to Christmas pics. Oh well. The lady got some adorable shots of Vin and Bella. Always adorable.
These are the best snacks I have ever seen! Great job in making those costumes. Happy Halloween!
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