October 14, 2011

Oh, Vincent!

This little boy - oh excuse me, he is "not a boy!" - Vincent (only) has such a mind of his own. He absolutely hates (a bad word in our house) dinner time! He fights so hard not to have to sit down at the table and eat with us.

We hear: "No dinner", "No like dinner", "It's yucky", "No wanna eat dinner no more", "I not hungry", "Mom, Daddy told me sit down!" "Daddy turned the TV off!" ...

He cries when Daddy tells him he has to sit down at the table. And Daddy usually responds "I know, Daddy is so mean making you eat dinner!". He cries so hard you would think he got spanked. Of course, it is fake and finally he sits down. Sometimes he ends up taking a few bites, sometimes he doesn't...but he has to sit down and talk to us as a family and he isn't allowed to have any snacks after dinner just because he is hungry and didn't eat what Mommy made.

What a stinker! I try so hard not to laugh.

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terenjaxteegan said...

Oh Boy! My boys used to do that too. I still fight my boys on dinner- what am I talking about?!?! Haha

Meagan Kenney said...

Oh man! Is this what boys do?! What a sad face....

Amanda Roe said...

What a face! But eventually he will learn...hopefully sooner rather than later!

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